Misty McLaren Bowen Therapist at Rener Health Clinics, Western Australia.


Bowen Therapist Personal Fitness Trainer
“Using Bowen Therapy, I can help people from all walks of life ease their pain and suffering. I’ve been a personal trainer since 2000, and I take pride in helping my clients keep fit and healthy and able to live their best lives.”



Sciatica  •  Bursitis  •  Pain relief  •  Bedwetting  •  Fibromyalgia  •  Chronic fatigue  •  Frozen shoulder  •  Stress and anxiety  •  Recovery from surgery  •  Headaches & migraines  •  Neck and shoulder issues  •  Calf & hamstring problems  •  Back, joint and muscle pain  •  Sporting performance & injuries  •  Earaches, ear infections, tinnitus  •  RSI, carpal tunnel & tennis elbow  •  Menstrual & hormonal irregularities  •  Knee, ankle, hand and foot problems  •  Respiratory problems, asthma & hay fever  •  Groin pain, pelvic tilt and uneven leg length  •  Digestive & bowel problems (IBS, diverticulitis)  •  Infant and childhood conditions, including reflux & colic.


Fascia (soft connective tissue) is everywhere in your body.

Think of fascia as a thin casing that surrounds and connects every part of your body, keeping every bone, organ, blood vessel, muscle and nerve fibre in place – integrating and separating your body’s structure and systems.

Your fascia holds you together, giving your body support, stability and cushioning. Fascia also acts as a second nervous system, sending messages throughout your systems.

Inflammation, injury, or chronic stress causes fascia to tighten up and become dehydrated. This affects your body’s electrical conductivity, muscle contractions, blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, and the circulation of fluid in your brain and spinal cord.

Stiff, dry fascia impacts your posture, joint mobility, muscle function, and your body systems, eventually undermining your health.

Properly functioning fascia is critical to your overall well-being. Symptoms of imbalance include chronic pain, discomfort, stiffness, muscular knots, joint pain, decreased mobility, tension headaches, backache, neck and shoulder issues, sciatica, and even a lack of energy.


Bowen Therapy is a corrective bodywork treatment that works on your fascia. It is gentle, relaxing, and non-invasive.

Gentle movements are applied to your muscles, tendons, fascia, ligaments, joints, and nerves.

Each manipulation stimulates a wave effect in your connective tissues that disrupt ‘pain loops’ and send messages to the rest of your body to restore hydration, balance, and flow.

During your Bowen treatment, I work through a layer of light clothing or directly on your skin, and a session usually lasts for an hour.

Bowen is safe for all ages, from newborn babies to older adults who want to remain strong, mobile, and pain-free.


Diploma Specialized Bowen Therapy

Cert IV in Fitness


Bowen Association Australia (BAA)