Natural Beauty – Rener Health Clinics Your Trusted Perth Naturopath For Over 50 Years Fri, 18 Nov 2022 03:31:53 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 Natural Beauty – Rener Health Clinics 32 32 Are Your Cosmetics Harming You? Lisa Rieniets ND Wed, 12 Oct 2022 03:20:00 +0000 TOXIC BEAUTY

It has been said that one of the most toxic relationships we can experience is with our cosmetics.

Every time we clean, groom, and beautify our bodies, we can unknowingly expose ourselves to thousands of harmful chemicals.

Synthetic (man-made) chemicals have been positively linked to cancers, hormonal disruption (endocrine disruptors), headaches, allergies, obesity, skin conditions, depression, chronic fatigue, learning disabilities, hyperactivity, and irritability.


Cosmetics are all of the products we use on our body, including skin and hair care products, styling products, soap, deodorant, makeup, perfume, and even toothpaste.

A significant amount of what we put on our skin is absorbed deep into our bodies.

What is alarming researchers is the long-term cumulative (collective) effects of synthetic chemicals in cosmetics because they are not broken down and eliminated from our bodies. And they harm health.

Even more concerning is what is called the ‘cocktail effect’, which refers to the toxicity resulting from a combination of several chemicals.

Some chemicals are not dangerous when they are below certain amounts but can be poisonous when combined – and even intensify the toxic effects of each other.

I strongly believe synthetic chemicals should be banned for use in cosmetics and our everyday household products.

Importance of checking labels and cosmetics ingredients.


Until I investigated cosmetics, I had no idea of the chemicals involved in manufacturing most of the products I had grown up using.

I was shocked to discover how much I was poisoning my body. How was this ever allowed?

I’d always loved wearing perfume and lipstick. I painted my nails. And I bought expensive cosmetics and hair care products, thinking they were better researched, and better for me.

I felt like I’d been conned when I found out what was actually in the products I was buying.

All I can say is grab every cosmetic product you own and investigate the ingredients in them. It’s a life-changing moment.

I also tell my clients to look at what’s in their household cleaning products, detergents, fabric softeners, antiseptic products, air fresheners, candles, gardening products, and even the toys you buy for children.

Throw out what is poisoning you and choose to be chemical free!


There are two excellent websites you can investigate ingredients in the cosmetics you use:

The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics –

Skin Deep Cosmetics Database –

I also recommend you watch an excellent documentary called Toxic Beauty by Director Phyllis Ellis.

This eye-opening film looks at our exposure to dangerous substances from commonly trusted beauty products.

Toxic Beauty Documentary explores toxic ingredients in cosmetics.


There are some beautiful pure and natural cosmetics available, from everyday personal care products to organic makeup and deluxe skincare ranges. There’s something for everyone.

Some brands even offer smaller sample sizes you can buy – or try free testers in-store.

You can even make your own cosmetics with better active ingredients, and it will save you a ton of money too.

And you don’t have to miss out on anything!

I still love wearing perfume. But now I use essential oil blends I love for fragrance.

I only buy pure cosmetics, haircare, and skincare products. And I use natural oral care products that are chemical-free.

The only thing I don’t use anymore is nail polish.

Given the history of cancer on both sides of my family, I stopped using nail polish when I found out how toxic it is.

And I’m happy making choices that reduce risk to my long-term health.


If you’re new to natural cosmetics, here are a few brands you can explore. It’s not a complete list by far—just a starting point for you.


Antipodes combines scientific research with plant-based ingredients to create high-performance, toxin-free cosmetics. Award-winning, certified, and good value too.



Not a cosmetic but worth knowing. Aromaworks natural soy candles are scented with pure essential oils to transform your home’s ambiance. They use 100% natural ingredients free from mineral oils, pesticides, synthetic fragrances, and petrochemicals.



I love Aloe Vera Face & Body Cleanser (with Frankincense) from Aloe Vera Australia. It’s a fantastic makeup remover too. Their aloe vera shampoo and hair conditioner with virgin coconut oil is also worth trying – good products for the whole family.



I also love running, yoga, and being active. It took me years to find a natural deodorant that could stand up to our hot West Australian climate. Black Chicken Axilla original deodorant paste works for me.



Organic liquid castile soap is one of the gentlest natural soaps you can use on your skin – and Dr Bronner does it well. And available at most health food stores.

To make your liquid soap go even further, use a foaming soap dispenser.



EverEscents offers a pure organic hair care range that is plant-based using certified organic ingredients. This professional brand ranges from shampoo and conditioners to hair treatments and styling products for all hair types.



Dioxins are among the most toxic chemicals known and are found in bleached products. Natracare provides a certified organic range of tampons, pads, liners, and wipes that are free of fragrances, chlorine, plastics, dyes, and pesticides.



If you’re looking for luxury, artisan products, Sodashi cosmetics are designed to nourish your skin with pure, natural ingredients. Each product is made with love and intention.



Weleda has been producing natural medicines and body care products since the 1920s. They are a well-known and well-loved company offering an extensive range of 100% certified natural and organic skincare products.



Award-winning Zuii Organic is an Australian-certified organic makeup range made from flowers and nurturing ingredients. Even their mascara promotes the natural regeneration of your lashes!


Be Chemical Free! 

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Better Than Botox For Anti-ageing Sun, 20 Mar 2022 12:42:15 +0000 HEALTHIER ANTI-AGEING

Women globally are realising that cosmetic acupuncture offers a healthier, more effective way to slow down the visible signs of ageing than using botox.

Cosmetic acupuncture encourages collagen and elastin production, giving you firmer, more resilient skin.

For the millions of people who use Botox injections to look younger, it’s worth knowing there is an effective alternative.

Findings of recent studies warn us that these ‘harmless’ jabs of botulinum toxins may be impacting our brain health as they make their way into our central nervous systems.


Mike Reid, specialises in skin health. For years, Mike worked in skincare clinics helping people heal both acute and chronic skin conditions.

Mike combines naturopathy, nutrition, herbs and nutrient supplements, personalised practitioner skincare products, and cosmetic acupuncture to enhance the results you can achieve with all types of skin conditions.

Healthier procedure than botox. Mike Reid naturopath and cosmetic acupuncturist


We can undergo a range of medical and surgical anti-ageing procedures in our quest to retain youthful-looking skin. But these are not without risk. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) cosmetic acupuncture is a safer alternative that addresses both signs of ageing and your overall skin health. It works by increasing blood flow and circulation to your face and stimulating natural collagen production to restore your skin’s structure, elasticity and youthful glow.

TCM cosmetic acupuncture is used to assist:

  • fine lines and wrinkles
  • sagging skin
  • discolouration
  • a dull complexion
  • bags under the eyes
  • scarring
  • hydration of your skin from the inside
  • and skin conditions such as acne, cellulite and rosacea.


If you’d like to know more about Mike click on the link here.

You can book cosmetic acupuncture appointments online, or call reception to help you.

A healthy diet keeps us looking younger too.


Your skin is a reflection of the state of your health. Poor nutrition and hydration, nutrient deficiencies, chronic inflammation, and poor gut health all affect the health of your skin.

If you want healthier, younger-looking skin, stop eating foods that age you.

Highly refined foods offer little nutrition and age you. Don’t eat them. Eat whole, organic, natural food, including a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables. And if you’re not sure what to eat, have a look at The Mediterranean diet and recipe books.

A diet high in sugar will also age you. Raw honey, dates, monk fruit, and organic liquid stevia are healthier sweetening alternatives.

Avoid hidden sugar in processed foods – check the labels. We also recommend every family should watch That Sugar Film by Damon Gameau to learn what happens when you eat a diet high in hidden sugar.

Trans fats will age your skin too including, hydrogenated margarine, animal fat, deep-fried foods, takeaways and junk food. Avoid them.

Eat healthy monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated (omega-3 and omega-6) fats, which are found in raw nuts and seeds, avocados, olives, hemp and olive cold-pressed oils.

If you start with these health changes, when you get your diet right, and you keep your body well hydrated, your skin will thank you!

Calendula oil for healthier, younger looking skin.


Did you know there are products in your bathroom that can dry, irritate and age your skin? Everyday things we use, such as soap, shampoo, body lotion, deodorant, makeup and perfume, may contain synthetic chemical ingredients that are harmful to your skin and your health. To protect yourself from harm – make sure you use natural, chemical-free ingredients. There are two great websites you can investigate ingredients in the products you use:

1. The Campaign for Safe
2. Skin Deep Cosmetics


It’s also worth knowing the effects of what we use to beautify our bodies, and choose organic cosmetics and skin care.

Toxic Beauty is a 2019 Canadian-American documentary film about exposure to dangerous substances from commonly trusted beauty products and how they are making us sick

Healthier is always a better choice!

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Sunscreen – Don’t Be Fooled By Branding Sun, 13 Nov 2022 02:01:51 +0000 There are some sunscreen ingredients I will not put on my body.

And just when you think you’ve found the perfect sunscreen, you discover you bought a false image.

I’d love to share my story with you so that it doesn’t happen to you.


I’ve been a naturopath for decades, and many of my clients are immune compromised, seeking to heal chronic illnesses.

I’m very protective of my clients, which is why I will only recommend safe products, particularly things we use daily on our bodies.

When we don’t look at the ingredients in the cosmetics we buy, we can unknowingly expose ourselves to toxic synthetic chemicals.

Knowing the consequences when we don’t protect our health, I want to share my story about how easy it is to be manipulated by clever marketing.

Image of components of branding so people can see through clever marketing and avoid synthetic chemicals in sunscreens.


Branding is all the things a company uses to sell their products, from the logo and packaging to the images and information on their websites. Even the use of celebrity influencers becomes part of a brand.

I own Rener Health Clinics and this is how our team was misled by branding.

We wanted to bring in a safe sunscreen for my clients, a product they could trust was not going to undermine their health conditions.

We were recommended a sunscreen that was supposed to be very effective and what we were looking for.

Our mistake was that we didn’t look deeper into the ingredients in the products.

We didn’t look beyond appearances.

The brand we bought is a work of art. Their website is beautiful and full of nature images, gorgeous photography, and trust-invoking words.

Their infographic chart and list of what is in their products were all natural ingredients. Their content spoke about the importance of protecting and nourishing your skin, and ingredient transparency.

We were sold on what we saw and ordered the range because of how they showcased their products.

It wasn’t until we started to write about the ingredients to share with our clients that we realised these sunscreens were not what we thought they were.

You see, you had to look into their blogs and product packaging to realise the active ingredients are synthetic chemicals known to harm health.

We had already paid for the products, they were on their way to us, and there was no way we would sell these sunscreens to anyone, let alone someone with health issues.


Yes, it was our fault, our mistake. We didn’t do our homework thoroughly.

But still, we wrote to this company and explained that we are a health clinic and cannot sell their products.

We included links to published (peer-reviewed) studies regarding the ingredients that stopped us from stocking their brand. And we asked if we could return the products.

We received a rather obscure reply meant to “alleviate our concerns”.

We were warned about false information (googling?) on the internet and the importance of following the science of regulatory bodies. The products we wanted to return were compliant with Australian therapeutic regulations for manufacturers, and we should trust the regulators.

Well, that was a big no from us!

Regulations are constantly changing as new scientific evidence emerges. There are many chemicals now banned in products that were initially approved for use.

We’d also questioned the issue of transparency and asked why the active ingredients (the synthetic chemicals) weren’t listed in their ingredient glossary or infographics.

We were told they are not legally required to list the active ingredients – they are on the product packaging.


We asked to return a range of chemical sunscreens.

The answer was initially no.

Our story could have ended with an expensive trip to the rubbish dump, poorer financially but wiser.

But we went back to renegotiate and finally, both parties agreed to disagree. We could return what we had bought.

And we’re very thankful.

Diagram of magnifying glass over cosmetic label to emphasise the importance of researching ingredients and avoiding synthetic chemicals.


We all make mistakes in life. We learn from them. And we move on.

Sometimes we can even create something good from the lessons we learn.

When life hands you lemons, make lemonade – as the saying goes.

I decided my lemonade was to share our story and highlight the influence of branding, and what happens when we don’t look beyond appearances.

I’m very dedicated to helping people learn how to protect and nourish their health.

An essential part of guarding your health is knowing what to put in and on your body.

Please read our blog Are Your Cosmetics Harming You? We include links to databases so you can research the products you use and make an informed decision.

I also want to give you a list of ingredients to look for in sunscreens, so you know which synthetic chemicals to avoid.

I hope our lesson helps you.


4-Methylbenzylidene Camphor European researchers cite concerns over thyroid toxicity, hormone disruption, and recommend this chemical not be used in sunscreen.

Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane (Avobenzone) • May cause allergic reactions, disrupt the endocrine system, and has been shown to block the effects of testosterone in cellular studies.

Ethylhexyl Triazone • May cause skin rash or dermatitis for those with sensitive skin.

Homosalate  Acts as an endocrine disruptor and may also enhance the absorption of pesticides in the body.

Octinoxate (ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate) Has been found to mimic oestrogen and block thyroid functions; can also cause allergic reactions.

Octisalate (Ethylhexyl Salicylate) Affects the endocrine system, weakly binding to the oestrogen receptor; has also been linked to allergic contact dermatitis.

Octocrylene Breaks down into benzophenone, which is a mutagen (causes mutations in our DNA), a  carcinogen (cancer-causing), and an endocrine disruptor (interferes with gland function and reproduction). DNA changes caused by mutagens may harm cells and cause certain diseases, such as cancer.

Oxybenzone Behaves like an endocrine disruptor and potentially of greater harm to children; may increase the risk of breast cancer and endometriosis.

When you investigate cosmetic ingredients, you realise it pays to choose wisely what you put on your body.

Prevention is always the best cure!

Wishing you the best of health,

Lisa Rieniets ND.

PS* We did find two natural sunscreens. Visit our Safer Sunscreens blog for the reasons why we chose them.

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Safer Sunscreens Sun, 13 Nov 2022 03:31:18 +0000 We went looking for safer sunscreens for our clients, to guard their skin against harmful UV rays and protect their health.

Here’s what we found.


There are two types of sunscreens chemical and physical (mineral), and they work in different ways.

Physical sunscreens contain the minerals zinc and titanium oxide. These minerals sit on top of your skin and block UV rays from penetrating the skin. They deflect (scatter) the sun’s harmful rays.

Then you have Chemical sunscreens, which penetrate your skin. They don’t block. Once UV light is absorbed into your skin, the sunscreen ingredients create a chemical reaction that converts UV light into heat that gets released via your skin.


Chemical sunscreen ingredients aren’t as thick as physical sunscreens, which is why they are often used by manufacturers of sunscreen sprays, face creams, makeup, and hair sunscreen products.

The coverage is also said to last longer. However, you do have to wait 20 to 30 minutes before going out in the sun to give chemical sunscreens enough time to penetrate your skin. Physical sunscreens protect you immediately.

It’s also important to know that sunscreens in Australia must be approved for safety by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) or they can’t be sold.

Even though chemical sunscreens are TGA-approved, we still recommend physical sunscreens because we consider them a healthier option.

Many of our clients’ immune systems are low, affecting their ability to fight off infections and diseases. That’s why often we use stricter guidelines than regulators.

It’s argued that the risks of sun exposure outweigh the potential risks of absorbing sunscreen chemicals.

However, if you have sensitive skin, chemical sunscreens can cause allergic skin reactions and worsen rosacea and hyperpigmentation.

There are also concerns about the effects of chemical sunscreen ingredients on the endocrine system and hormones, as well as the risk of certain cancers.

We choose physical sunscreens because they are safer.

Physical sunscreen infographic why mineral sunscreens are safer.


Ethical Zinc and Avocado Zinc are both physical sunscreens that we recommend for our clients.

The next time you buy sunscreen, or any cosmetic for that matter, please check the labels and avoid ingredients that could undermine your health.

Our blog Are Your Cosmetics Harming You provides links to databases you can use to research product ingredients.

We also recommend a mind-opening documentary called Toxic Beauty that every family should watch together.

Image of Ethical Zinc, a physical sunscreen that is safer the chemical sunscreen.


Formulated with non-nano zinc oxide and is suitable for even highly sensitive skin.

SPF 50+ Natural Clear Zinc Sunscreen is water resistant for 4 hours, and the ingredients are certified natural.

Preservative Free, Chemical Actives Free, Cruelty-Free, and Reef Friendly. Made with solar power in Australia.


  • Zinc Oxide (227mg/g): A natural mineral that provides stable broad-spectrum protection against UVA and UVB rays.
  • Medium Chain Triglycerides: A fatty oil derived from coconuts rich in antioxidants.
  • White Beeswax: Used to help improve the consistency of the cream.
  • Coco-caprylate: A skin-conditioning agent naturally derived from coconut oil.
  • Castor Oil: Oil derived from the castor bean plant.
  • Coconut Oil: Obtained from the flesh of the coconut.
  • Polyglyceryl-3 Polyricinoleate: Derived from castor oil.
  • Isostearic Acid: A naturally derived fatty acid we use as a binder.
  • D-alpha-tocopheryl Acetate: Also known as Vitamin E, that helps preserve the product.
  • Vanilla: Derived from natural plant extracts.


Avocado Zinc is a physical sunscreen that is considered safer than chemical sunscreens.


SPF 50+ Avocado Zinc is a 3-in-1 sunscreen, moisturiser, and primer that contains a special blend of skin-boosting ingredients including Avocado Oil, Coconut Oil, Vitamin E, Calendula Oil, and Kakadu Plum Oil, to soothe & moisturise your skin without weighing it down or leaving it oily.

And it’s also perfect for wearing every day under makeup.

Gentle on sensitive skin and suitable for babies, pregnancy, and breastfeeding mothers.

Avocado Zinc rubs in clear and is designed for everyday use.

Preservative Free, Fragrance-Free, Chemical Actives Free, Vegan, Cruelty-Free, Reef Friendly and packaged in recyclable tubes made from recycled materials. Made in Western Australia.


  • Active ingredient: Non-Nano Zinc Oxide 227.5 mg/g.
  • Medium chain triglyceride.
  • Castor oil.
  • Candelilla wax.
  • Coco-caprylate.
  • Coconut Oil.
  • Polyglyceryl-3 polyricinoleate.
  • Avocado oil.
  • Vitamin E (d-alpha tocopheryl acetate).
  • Calendula Oil.
  • Kakadu plum oil (Terminalia ferdinandiana).
  • Isostearic acid.


Shop Sunscreens

Types of sunscreen infographic - chemical versus physical sunscreen comparing the active ingredients.INGREDIENTS TO AVOID

Your health is precious so it’s just plain common sense to avoid questionable ingredients in products.

These are the chemical sunscreen ingredients we recommend you avoid:

4-Methylbenzylidene Camphor • European researchers cite concerns over thyroid toxicity, and hormone disruption, and recommend this chemical not be used in sunscreen.

Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane (Avobenzone) • May cause allergic reactions, disrupt the endocrine system, and has been shown to block testosterone in cellular studies.

Ethylhexyl Triazone • May cause skin rash or dermatitis for those with sensitive skin.

Homosalate • Acts as an endocrine disruptor and may also enhance the absorption of pesticides in the body.

Octinoxate (ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate) • Has been found to mimic oestrogen and block thyroid functions; can also cause allergic reactions.

Octisalate (Ethylhexyl Salicylate) • Affects the endocrine system, weakly binding to the oestrogen receptor; has also been linked to allergic contact dermatitis.

Octocrylene • Breaks down into benzophenone, which is a mutagen (causes mutations in our DNA), a carcinogen (cancer-causing), and an endocrine disruptor (interferes with gland function and reproduction). DNA changes caused by mutagens may harm cells and cause certain diseases, such as cancer.

Oxybenzone • Behaves like an endocrine disruptor and potentially of greater harm to children; may increase the risk of breast cancer and endometriosis.


Downs C, Kramarsky-Winter E, Segal R, et al. Toxicopathological effects of the sunscreen UV filter, oxybenzone (benzophenone-3), on coral planulae and cultured primary cells and its environmental contamination in Hawaii and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 2016;70(2):265-28

Downs C. A, DiNardo J.C, Stien D, Rodrigues A, and Lebaron P, Benzophenone Accumulates over Time from the Degradation of Octocrylene in Commercial Sunscreen Products, Chemical Research in Toxicology 2021 34 (4), 1046-1054, DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrestox.0c00461

Ghazipura M, McGowan R, Arslan A, Hossain T. Exposure to benzophenone-3 and reproductive toxicity: a systematic review of human and animal studies. Reprod Toxicol2017;73:175-183.

Huo W, Cai P, Chen M, et al. The relationship between prenatal exposure to BP-3 and Hirschsprung’s disease. Chemosphere 2016;144:1091-1097.

Joanna A. Ruszkiewicz, Adi Pinkas, Beatriz Ferrer, Tanara V. Peres, Aristides Tsatsakis, Michael Aschner, Neurotoxic effect of active ingredients in sunscreen products, a contemporary review, Toxicology Reports, Volume 4, 2017, Pages 245-259, ISSN 2214-7500, (

Kunisue T, Chen Z, Buck Louis G, et al. Urinary concentrations of benzophenone-type UV filters in women and their association with endometriosis. Environ Sci Tchnol 2012; 46(8):4624-4632.

Louis G, Chen Z, Kim S, et al. Urinary concentrations of benzophenone-type ultraviolet light filters and semen quality. Fertil Steril 2015;104(4):989-996.

Matta M, Zusterzeel R, Pilli NR, et al. Effect of sunscreen application under maximal use conditions on plasma concentration of sunscreen active ingredients: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA 2019; 321(21):2082-2091.

Schlumpf M, Kypke K, Vokt C, et al. Endocrine active UV filters: developmental toxicity and exposure through breast milk. CHIMIA 2008;62(5):345-351.

Your Health, Your Choice!

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Restore Hair Damage With Collagen Thu, 12 May 2022 06:31:12 +0000 A RECIPE YOUR HAIR WILL LOVE

Collagen Beauty powder is wonderful for restoring damaged hair.

Curling, straightening, drying, dyeing, and chemicals in hair products can cause havoc to your scalp and hair condition.

The good news is you can restore damaged hair naturally with our collagen hair mask treatment recipe.


This hair mask treatment is very simple to make.

We use EverEscents Organic Hair Care for the moisturising cream base, but you can also use what you already have at home.

If your hair is thick, dry, and porous, use EverEscents Cinnamon & Patchouli Deep Treatment to rehydrate & revitalise dry hair.

If you have fine hair, use EverEscents Remedy Treatment, which also reverses the signs of damage & increases hair strength, but it’s not as heavy.

Everescents hair care products make a perfect treatment base because they are organic and contain no nasties that devitalise hair.

Then add Nutra Organics Collagen Beauty, which contains hydrolysed and bioactive collagen peptides and other organic ingredients that improve skin, hair, and nails. Click here if you’d like more information about Collagen Beauty.

If your hair is very dry, add half a teaspoon of organic cold-pressed rice bran oil which is nourishing and moisturising without being heavy and greasy.


How often you apply hair masks will depend on your hair type, condition, and how often you use heated styling tools. Your hair will tell you.

You can begin with weekly treatments for a month. Once your hair is restored, apply a hair mask once a month to keep it in peak condition.


Everyone’s hair differs in length and texture, so adjust the recipe quantities to suit your hair.

1. Pour enough treatment conditioner into a bowl to cover your hair thoroughly from roots to tips.
2. Then add 1 teaspoon of Collagen Beauty and stir until the powder dissolves. Use two teaspoons if you have long hair or you need a lot of treatment conditioner to cover your hair.
3. If your hair is very dry or damaged, stir in half a teaspoon of cold-pressed rice bran oil.

Apply the mask to dry hair. Start about 2cm from your scalp and gently coat your hair strands to the ends.

Place a shower cap on and leave the treatment in for as long as possible, at least an hour.

Do hair treatments on the days you don’t have to be anywhere, and leave the mask on for two to three hours.

Then rinse the treatment out and shampoo and style your hair as usual. Use a natural, organic shampoo that won’t strip your hair.


When you apply Collagen Beauty to your hair regularly and add it to your shakes and smoothies, you’ll find that your hair shines with health. Curl bounces back too.


Also ensure your daily diet includes foods that provide vitamins and minerals essential for healthy skin, hair and nails – especially vitamin A, C and E, zinc, calcium, silica, selenium, biotin, b-complex vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Vitamin A food sources include carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, spinach, kale, fish oils, and cod liver oil.

Vitamin C food sources include papaya, citrus fruits, strawberries, raspberries, pineapples, kiwi fruit, Kakadu plum, capsicum, tomatoes, zucchini, cabbage and kale, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, and celery. Vitamin C is sensitive to heat, so eat raw salads and fresh fruit daily.

Vitamin E food sources include raw nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts, and pine nuts; raw seeds such as sunflower, pumpkin and sesame; cold-pressed organic vegetable oils, avocadoes, and wheat germ.

Zinc food sources include sesame and pumpkin seeds, shitake mushrooms, oysters, beef, crab, beans, almonds, cashew nuts, chickpeas, and oats.

Calcium food sources include raw sesame seeds, tahini, chia seeds, quinoa, dark leafy greens, linseeds, dried figs, broccoli, almonds, whey powder, sardines, and yoghurt.

Silica food sources include alfalfa sprouts, leafy vegetables, beets, millet, oats, rice, rice bran, barley, horsetail tea, cucumber, leeks, and bananas, green beans, celery, asparagus, and raisins.

Selenium food sources include organic Brazil nuts, oysters, sardines, tuna, mustard seeds, sunflower seeds, rice bran and wheat germ.

Biotin food sources include walnuts, almonds, pineapple, strawberries, raspberries, bananas, salmon, halibut and sardines, carrots, onion, swiss chard, cucumber, cauliflower, and egg yolk.  

B-complex vitamin food sources include salmon, trout, tuna, halibut, cod, soy milk, tempeh, green leafy vegetables, fresh fruit, whole grains, lentils, beans, molasses, kombucha, and eggs.  

Omega-3 food sources include walnuts, fish oils, hemp seed oil, salmon, linseed (flax), chia seed, rice bran oil, and evening primrose oil.


You can use whatever hair treatment conditioner you have at home, but we recommend using a natural, chemical-free product or organic coconut milk.

To promote healthier skin, hair, and nails, add Collagen Beauty to your smoothies or breakfast yoghurt. The feedback we have received from clients who take Collagen Beauty every day is that their hair gets thicker and healthier, their nails get stronger, and their complexion improves too.

Rice Bran oil is used in hair products to repair dryness and damage, promote hair growth, moisturise, and soften your hair without leaving a greasy residue.

Make sure you use mechanical pressed (cold-press or first-press) rice bran oil. Cold-pressed rice bran oil is rich in vitamin E, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, which nourish your hair. Also, its high smoking point makes it a natural heat protectant from hair styling tools.

We stock Everescents hair products and Collagen Beauty powder at Rener Health Clinics. And you can buy organic rice bran oil from gourmet grocers and health food stores. Just make sure the oil is mechanically extracted, so there are no nasty solvents to worry about.

Happy Hair Days!

PS* We’d love to hear from you and your results. You can always send us an email at 

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