Immune Support – Rener Health Clinics Your Trusted Perth Naturopath For Over 50 Years Wed, 31 Jul 2024 03:00:13 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 Immune Support – Rener Health Clinics 32 32 Recovery Recipes – coughs, colds, virus, & flu Sat, 15 Apr 2023 10:30:32 +0000 Our recovery recipes offer you traditional home remedies for alleviating and shortening the duration of cold, flu, and virus symptoms.

You can also download a hard copy of our recipes here by clicking on the link.


There’s nothing quite as soothing as a warm cup of herbal tea to help alleviate the symptoms that make you feel miserable when you’re sick.

Herbs and spices and superfoods can help heal a sore throat • calm coughing and sneezing • clear nasal and lung congestion • and ease body aches and a sore head.

And they give your immune system a good boost too.

Herbal tea for sore throat and cough recipe


Cardamom is a wonderful spice if you have a sore throat or dry cough.


1 cup of Boiling Water

2 green cardamom pods

1-2  heaped teaspoons of unprocessed Manuka or raw honey


Release the seeds from 2 green cardamom pods and place them in your favourite mug.

You can crush the seeds slightly to release more of their goodness.

Pour 1 cup of boiling water over the seeds and steep for 5 minutes.

Add raw Manuka honey once the tea is below 43 degrees celsius so you don’t destroy the enzymes in the honey.

Drink several cups a day until your throat is healed.

Traditional use 

Green cardamom is traditionally used to relieve colds, a dry cough, and to help clear mucus.

Cardamom is also used to soothe asthma and bronchitis. However, if you experience asthma, check for allergies before consuming spices.

You can also chew cardamom seeds to relieve sore throat and cold symptoms.

Manuka raw honey is antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory. The main active ingredient is methylglyoxal, a powerful natural antibiotic.

You can also mix half a teaspoon of antibacterial Ceylon cinnamon powder into a tablespoon of raw Manuka honey.

Combine the ingredients thoroughly.

Take half a teaspoon at a time. Dissolve in your mouth and gently swallow to coat and soothe a sore throat.

Green cardamom pods for sore throat recipeCOLD & FLU TEA RECIPE

At the first signs of a cold or flu, put the kettle on, grab the herbs and spice in our cold and flu tea recipe, and help boost your immune system.


2 cups of boiling water.

1 teaspoon of licorice root loose herbal tea.

1 teaspoon of grated fresh ginger root grated.

1/4 a teaspoon of Ceylon (True) cinnamon powder.

1 whole clove crushed.

1 teaspoon of pure, raw (unprocessed) honey.


Place the spice and herb ingredients into a teapot or French press cafetière and steep for 5 minutes.

Pour into your favourite mug and add honey. Sip slowly.

Drink 1-3 cups daily to soothe symptoms and shorten your recovery time.

You should only use licorice root for one month and then take a break from it when you are well.

You can also add fresh lemon juice and lemon zest for a boost of vitamin C.

Traditional Use

Licorice root is traditionally used to soothe a sore throat and coughing and to relieve bacterial and viral infections.

Ginger root is anti-inflammatory and used for its ability to relieve nausea and ward off infections, coughs, colds, and sore throats.

If you can’t source fresh ginger, use half a teaspoon of organic ginger powder or 5ml of organic ginger juice.

Ceylon (true) cinnamon’s antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties relieve cold symptoms and soothe a sore throat.

Cloves anti-inflammatory compounds soothe a sore throat, cough, cold, and sinusitis symptoms. You can also chew cloves to freshen bad breath.

Licorice root Loose Tea for sore throat and cough


Try cacao and pomegranate juice if you have a lingering cough that won’t go away.

Fresh pomegranate juice is always best because of its active enzyme content. But if you can’t obtain fresh juice, use Lakewood Organic pomegranate juice.


946ml Lakewood organic pomegranate juice.

4 metric tablespoons of raw Cacao Gold.

3 metric tablespoons of Saffronice saffron infused honey. Use raw honey if you cannot source saffron.

2 metric tablespoons of freshly grated ginger root.

1 metric teaspoon of organic Ceylon cinnamon.


Put all the ingredients in your blender and blitz.

Slowly sip 100ml morning, midday, and night until your cough clears.

Shake the bottle well before pouring.

Store the syrup in a glass bottle in your fridge and use it within 2 weeks.

Traditional Use

Pomegranate is anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, and lung protective.

We recommend Lakewood Organic juice because it is 100% pure and not reconstituted from a concentrate. It’s also sugar-free, preservative-free, and stored in glass.

Raw cacao contains theobromine, which calms chronic coughing by suppressing vagal nerve activity.

Saffron-infused honey loosens phlegm, eases breathing, calms coughing, and promotes a good night’s sleep.

We use Saffronice honey because it is raw, organic, and simply a beautiful, healing honey.

Alternatively, add a pinch of saffron to your cough syrup.

Ginger is anti-inflammatory and relieves coughs, colds, sore throats, and nausea.

Ceylon cinnamon’s antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties relieve cold symptoms and soothe a sore throat.

Caution: If you are pregnant or on blood thinning medication, this recipe is not for you. Talk to your naturopath because there are other Chinese herbal medicine formulas that can also assist you.

Raw Cacao for coughs and sore throat recipeLEMON BALM TEA

Lemon balm tea is another herb that is handy to have when you are recovering from a cold or flu.

Lemon balm is more commonly known to aid sleep and reduce anxiety.

But for naturopaths, lemon balm is also used as an antiviral herb to ease lung inflammation • a stuffy nose • sinus infections • allergies • asthma • coughs • and lung congestion.

Lemon balm tea is gentle and soothing at night to help you heal and get a good night’s sleep.

Add a teaspoon or two of raw honey to sweeten your tea, or use a few drops of monk fruit extract if you are on a sugar-free diet.

Lemon balm tea to help heal coughs, colds, flu, virus, and to promote a good nights sleep.


In an Oxford University study, honey was found to be superior for upper respiratory tract infections.

We always recommend the natural antibiotic properties of raw honey in herbal teas if you get a cough, cold or sore throat.

BUT – never use boiling water with honey. Adding honey to boiling water can change the enzymes and reduce its benefits.

If you are making a hot drink, wait until it cools and is warm rather than boiling before adding honey.

A warm drink is considered to be below 42 degrees celsius. If you have a kettle that sets the temperature, that’s ideal. You could also use a cooking thermometer to measure the heat. Otherwise, wait until you can comfortably hold your warm drink in your mouth without burning your tongue – then add honey.

Raw Honey jin honeycomb for sore throat and cough recipesEXTRA TIPS TO HELP YOU HEAL

These extra health tips will help you heal faster if you have a cough, cold, flu, virus, or sore throat.

• If you follow a sugar-free diet, use pure monk fruit to help alleviate a sore throat, coughing, and symptoms of cold and flu. 

You can find directions for using monk fruit in our Pure Monk Fruit Sweetener Benefits blog.

• Avoid all dairy products, especially if you are clogged up with mucus. Drink plant-based milk – organic almond, coconut, or Bonsoy soy milk.

• Ditch refined sugar, junk food, or sugary, processed foods. We have a saying at the clinic that sugar feeds infection like petrol feeds a fire. Avoid it!

• Avoid wheat and wheat products. Eat gluten-free grains until you regain your health to reduce gut sensitivity or inflammation.

• Eat whole (unprocessed) foods, lots of greens, vegetables, and fruit. Explore the Mediterranean diet and recipes for inspiration.

• If you eat meat – choose white fish and wild salmon, and avoid red meat.

• If you have a lot of thick mucus, eat enzyme-rich fresh fruits such as ripe pineapple, papaya, mango, apples, and citrus fruits. Enzymes help break down and loosen mucus.

• Try our aloe vera and lemon juice recipe for soothing inflammation if you have sore muscles and aching joints.

• Drink plenty of pure water and herbal teas and stay well hydrated.

• A healthy gut is essential for a strong immune system. We offer gut health nutrition guidelines in our Healthy Gut Reboot blog.

• All our blogs are designed to help you heal. Have a look at The Healing Power of Spice to help boost your recovery from colds, flu, and virus infections.

• Wear a scarf around your neck if cold night air triggers coughing.

• You can also try facial steaming with a few drops of peppermint, rosemary, or eucalyptus essential oil to help clear your sinuses. 

• To help loosen phlegm and mucus congestion, have a hot shower. Put a teaspoon of eucalyptus oil in the bottom of the shower, place your foot over the drain, and breathe in the steam.

• Increase your environmental hygiene while you have sickness in your home by making a germ-busting surface cleaner.

Grab a spray bottle and fill it with half Bositos Eucalyptus Solution and half distilled water (or eucalyptus hydrosol). 

You can use Eucalyptus Solution for sanitising your kitchen benches, fridge, bathroom counters, toilet, door knobs, and light switches, and for disinfecting your dishes.

• You can also add a cap of eucalyptus oil to your clothes washing – especially sheets and towels.


Don’t ignore your symptoms, or ‘soldier on’ like nothing’s wrong.

If you get sick with a cold, flu, or virus, take the time to rest • nourish your body with healthy nutrition • and heal. 

And consult your practitioner if you need support.

Because taking immediate action to get well is always better than a long, drawn-out recovery.

Prevention is always the best cure!



Abuelgasim H, Albury C, Lee J Effectiveness of honey for symptomatic relief in upper respiratory tract infections: a systematic review and meta-analysis BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine 2021;26:57-64.

Boskabady, Mohammad Hossein & Gholamnezhad, Zahra & Ghorani Sirjani, Vahideh & Saadat, Saeideh. (2019). The Effect of Crocus Sativus (Saffron) on the Respiratory System: Traditional and Experimental Evidence. 10.2174/9781681087511119010004. 

Feng Yeh C, Chih Wang K, Chai Chiang L, Shieh DE, Hong Yen M, San Chang J. Water Extract of Licorice had Anti-Viral Activity Against Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Human Respiratory Tract Cell Lines. J Ethnopharmacol (2013) 148:466–73. doi:  10.1016/j.jep.2013.04.040

Gonçalves LM, Valente IM, Rodrigues JA. An overview on cardamonin. J Med Food. 2014 Jun;17(6):633-40. doi: 10.1089/jmf.2013.0061. Epub 2014 Jan 16. PMID: 24433078; PMCID: PMC4060836.

Howell AB, D’Souza DH. The pomegranate: effects on bacteria and viruses that influence human health. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013;2013:606212. doi: 10.1155/2013/606212. Epub 2013 May 20. PMID: 23762148; PMCID: PMC3671682.

Islam MA, Haque MA, Rahman MA, Hossen F, Reza M, Barua A, Marzan AA, Das T, Kumar Baral S, He C, Ahmed F, Bhattacharya P, Jakariya M. A Review on Measures to Rejuvenate Immune System: Natural Mode of Protection Against Coronavirus Infection. Front Immunol. 2022 Mar 15;13:837290. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.837290. PMID: 35371007; PMCID: PMC8965011.

Kawatra P, Rajagopalan R. Cinnamon: Mystic powers of a minute ingredient. Pharmacognosy Res. 2015 Jun;7(Suppl 1):S1-6. doi: 10.4103/0974-8490.157990. PMID: 26109781; PMCID: PMC4466762.

Miraj S, Rafieian-Kopaei, Kiani S. Melissa officinalis L: A Review Study With an Antioxidant Prospective. J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med. 2017 Jul;22(3):385-394. doi: 10.1177/2156587216663433. Epub 2016 Sep 11. PMID: 27620926; PMCID: PMC5871149.

Pourghanbari G, Nili H, Moattari A, Mohammadi A, Iraji A. Antiviral activity of the oseltamivir and Melissa officinalis L. essential oil against avian influenza A virus (H9N2). Virusdisease. 2016 Jun;27(2):170-8. doi: 10.1007/s13337-016-0321-0. Epub 2016 May 21. PMID: 27366768; PMCID: PMC4908999.

Shergis JL, Wu L, May BH, Zhang AL, Guo X, Lu C, Xue CC. Natural products for chronic cough: Text mining the East Asian historical literature for future therapeutics. Chron Respir Dis. 2015 Aug;12(3):204-11. doi: 10.1177/1479972315583043. Epub 2015 Apr 21. PMID: 25901012.

Usmani OS, Belvisi MG, Patel HJ, Crispino N, Birrell MA, Korbonits M, Korbonits D, Barnes PJ. Theobromine (cacao) inhibits sensory nerve activation and cough. FASEB J. 2005 Feb;19(2):231-3. doi: 10.1096/fj.04-1990fje. Epub 2004 Nov 17. Erratum in: FASEB J. 2005 Feb;19(2):1 p following 233. PMID: 15548587.

Watanabe K, Rahmasari R, Matsunaga A, Haruyama T, Kobayashi N. Anti-influenza viral effects of honey in vitro: potent high activity of manuka honey. Arch Med Res. 2014 Jul;45(5):359-65. doi: 10.1016/j.arcmed.2014.05.006. Epub 2014 May 29. Erratum in: Arch Med Res. 2014 Aug;45(6):516. PMID: 24880005.

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Protect Essential Oil Sun, 20 Mar 2022 13:29:26 +0000 Protect essential oil is a blend of germ-busting essential oils, created to help you guard against airborne pathogens and shield your environment.


Imagine a crisp lemon fragrance infused with minty menthol, woodsy eucalyptus, rosemary, and warm spicy tones of cinnamon and cloves. Fresh and powerful.


lemon myrtle 

Lemon myrtle is a potent antimicrobial, antiseptic, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory essential oil that is more powerful than tea tree oil. Traditionally used for colds, flu, sinus infection, bronchitis, sore throat, and respiratory congestion. Research link.


Antiseptic, antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, antispasmodic, decongestant. Eucalyptus oil is traditionally used for colds, flu, coughs, runny nose, sore throat, nasal congestion, bronchitis, asthma, and sinusitis. Research link.


Antiseptic, antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral, and decongestant in nature. Peppermint oil is traditionally used to open airways, clear mucus, soothe sinuses, ease coughs, kill bacterial infection. Research link.


Antibacterial, anti-catarrhal, antifungal, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, expectorant. Rosemary oil is traditionally used to clear the respiratory tract, asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, sinus, colds, sore throats, coughing, and flu. Research link.

clove bud

Antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal. Clove oil is traditionally used for various respiratory disorders, including coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, and sinusitis. Research link.

cinnamon bark

Antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antimicrobial and carminative. Cinnamon bark is traditionally used to relieve the symptoms of colds, flu, sore throat, and congestion. Research link.


There are all kinds of essential oil diffusers. However, cold water ultrasonic diffusion is considered safe and effective. 

Ultrasonic diffusers come in different sizes, and it’s best to follow the manufacturer’s directions.

As a general rule though, you can use the following:

  • 100ml diffuser use 3 to 5 drops of essential oils. 
  • 150ml diffuser use 8 to10 drops. 
  • 500ml diffuser – requires about 15 to 20 drops. 


You don’t need to diffuse essential oils all day long. They are powerful, and you don’t want to overpower a room either. 

It’s recommended that you diffuse essential oils for an hour and turn your diffuser off for an hour. 

Make sure you have proper ventilation in the room too. 


Do not consume essential oils.

If you suffer from allergies, chronic illness, you are pregnant, or you take drug-interactive medications, please check with your health practitioner before using essential oils. 

Essential oils can be toxic to animals. Please check with your vet before using essential oils near your pets. 

Face masks tend to get stale the longer you wear them. You can add a dab of Protect essential oil to the corners of your face mask to freshen them up, and give you added protection. Just make sure if you wear cloth masks to check they are colourfast.


The healthier you are, the more you can protect your wellbeing. And what you eat matters.

Eat plenty of foods that support your immune system, including:

  • Mushrooms.
  • Berries and cherries.
  • Citrus fruit, including oranges, mandarins, lemon, and lime. 
  • Organic herbal teas.
  • The onion family – garlic, onion, leek, and shallots.
  • Organic tomatoes. Cherry tomatoes are recommended if you cannot buy organic.
  • Seaweed.
  • Carrots, fennel root, celery, parsnip, pumpkin, turnip, and swede.
  • Fresh or dried herbs including sage, oregano, rosemary, and thyme sprinkled generously over food and used in all soups, stir-fries, and casseroles.
  • Add spice to your meals, including anise seed, cardamom, chili, cinnamon, star anise, pimento, ginger, cloves, nutmeg, black pepper, horseradish, and turmeric. 
  • Raw nuts and seeds – Brazil nuts, walnuts, pine nuts, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, pistachio, and almonds. 
  • To sweeten use 100% monk fruit extract or pure powder, dates, as well as Manuka or raw honey. Eliminate processed sugar from your diet.
  • Eat organically grown fruit and vegetables – lots of greens and seasonable produce.
  • Eat unprocessed foods to give your body the best chance to fight off infections and disease. If you’re not sure where to start, have a look at The Meditteranean Diet.

Our blog page is filled with tips, recipes, and how-to information you can use to create better health for you and your family.

Stay strong and protect your health!

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How To Create A Strong Immune System Sun, 24 Jul 2022 08:00:07 +0000 TREASURE YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM

I have worked for decades with many people whose immune systems are compromised. And I teach them what their bodies can achieve and how to protect their immune systems naturally.

I’m Lisa Rieniets, owner of Rener Health Clinics, and my goal is always to empower people by providing knowledge and skills with their health programs. You can be stronger and healthier and protect your well-being when you know how.

I’ve come to an age now where I want to leave behind a legacy that inspires people to want to live a healthy life and treasure their wellbeing.

One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is protection from all that can undermine your health. It is so important to protect our immune systems from virus infections.


When it comes to protecting your immune system, Winter was always the time of year that we made an effort to protect our health from the challenges the colder months can bring.

Now, with COVID-19 and variant viruses, it’s essential to fortify and maintain your immune system throughout every season, and especially winter.

COVID-19 has evolved and spread rapidly throughout the world, causing sickness, death and ‘long-haulers’ who can’t seem to recover.

The good news is that continually emerging health data means we can now map how COVID-19 affects the human body and better protect our health.

Understanding the mechanisms (how the virus acts) and processes (the effects) and damage COVID-19 causes gives you more opportunities to intervene naturally and strengthen your innate and adaptive defences. Always remember, your body is designed to be healthy!


Naturopathic medicine is based on recognising that your body is a balanced ecosystem, much like a garden but more complex. Like a garden, you are innately a self-protecting, self-recovering, self-regulating and self-restoring organism, if given the right requirements.

In a healthy garden, all the individual parts – the soil quality, nutrients, water, sunlight, seeds, animals (birds, bees, insects, worms), and microorganisms – work together harmoniously to produce trees, flowers, grass, fruits, herbs, and vegetables. Not one part of a garden works separately from the whole.

It’s the same with your own body (garden). All your immune system organs – your gut, lymph nodes, white blood cells, bone marrow, liver, lungs, sinus, hormones, and brain – work together to provide a well-functioning immune response. Not one part of you exists in isolation from the rest. They all depend on each other.

When it comes to gardening, gardeners know that tomato seeds will not grow in beach sand, no matter how many seeds you scatter. That’s because seeds alone are only one part of the story.

There are fundamental natural laws that govern gardening. Producing a healthy harvest requires fertile soil containing the right amount of nutrients, micro-organisms, seeds, water, and sunshine. These elements must also be in proper proportion and balance. If you use too much water, your plants will drown. If you don’t provide enough water, your plants will wither and die. It’s precisely the same for your body and its ability to thrive and protect itself. What you put into your body, what you expose your body to, environmental factors, and lifestyle choices, hugely influences your health outcomes.

Your body has a coordinated defence system called your immune system, which is made up of an interconnecting network of cells, tissues and organs that work together to protect you against invaders. All parts of your defence system are essential to the whole. And they depend on what you provide.

To take charge of your health, you need to change your perception of your body. Your body is like a garden, an intricately balanced ecosystem. And you are the gardener.


If you’d like to learn more about protecting your immune system, my Virus Infection Protection Guide is free to download. Click on the link.

You’re welcome to share it with your family and friends too.

The healthier we all are, the stronger we can be together.

Wishing you the best of health,

Lisa Rieniets. ND


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Nutrition For Immune System Recovery Sun, 11 Sep 2022 08:34:57 +0000 NUTRITION IS ESSENTIAL FOR RECOVERY

Since covid began, we’ve been helping our clients recover from virus infections.

We use nutrition, nutritional supplements, and herbals to strengthen our client’s ability to protect, rebuild, and maintain their immune systems.


A strong immune system is essential to keep us safe during this challenging era of pandemic disease.

Although we can take precautions, like avoiding virus infection by isolating ourselves, chances are we are likely to be affected by covid and flu infections.

However, the stronger your immune system is, the faster you will recover.


Your immune system gives you the ability to fight and prevent disease. You are designed to be healthy.

Immunity is the state of protection from infectious disease that has two parts to it.

Firstly, you have an inbuilt (innate) part of your immune system that provides general resistance to disease-causing pathogens.

You also have specific adaptive immunity, which occurs when your body has been exposed to a certain disease and stores memory of how to overcome it.

When you get sick from a virus, your immune system goes into fighting action to protect you.

If you’re run down though, or your immune system gets exhausted and overworked, it cannot function effectively and protect you. This is especially the case for people experiencing long-covid symptoms.

Cells of the immune systemLONG COVID

We are seeing more people who are affected by long-covid. They struggle with various symptoms for months after testing positive for the virus.

Some long-haulers even experienced little to no symptoms when actively infected. Yet they are left struggling with ongoing health issues.

These long-covid symptoms are now being likened to chronic fatigue syndrome, and they include:

  • Shortness of breath.
  • Cough.
  • Fatigue – exhaustion.
  • Concentration and memory issues.
  • Changes in mood – such as anxiety, depression, stress, and feelings of guilt.
  • Loss of smell or taste.
  • Headaches.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Heart palpitations, racing heart, and or chest pain.
  • Skin rashes.
  • Muscle aches and joint pain.
  • Worsened symptoms after physical or mental activities.


The one thing your body cannot do is create what it needs to produce energy and repair your body – that’s why we eat, drink fluids, and breathe.

But it’s what we eat and drink that makes the difference.

Nutrition is the process of providing the food (nutrients and elements) necessary for your body to survive and thrive.

Your immune system is affected by your nutritional status.

Healthy nutrition reduces your risk of disease, aids recovery, and nurtures health and well-being.

If you want to be well, you’ve got to eat well!

Healthy nutrition for recovery and rebuilding the immune system


When it comes to healing and recovery, it takes a holistic approach that involves every part of you and how you live your life.

The very reason you eat, drink fluids, and even breathe is to provide the cells of your body with the ‘chemistry’ it needs to maintain balance.

The symptom of balance (homeostasis) is energy and health.

When your chemistry is out of balance – you know because you will experience symptoms of poor health and no energy.

So, the first step in healing is to identify imbalances and deficiencies and learn all you can about restoring balance, which includes understanding the effects of poor nutrition, stress, and even how fitness can affect your well-being.

Be like a detective and investigate how your body functions and what it needs to be healthy!

1. Consult a naturopath or Chinese Medicine practitioner to identify your imbalances and deficiencies.

2. Use nutrient supplements to help restore your energy, calm inflammation, and repair damage.

3. Nutrition is essential to immune system recovery. Learn about healing foods and how to create delicious meals.

• We offer a free Healthy Eating Directory to help you connect with amazing chefs who share delicious, healthy recipes.

• You could also explore The Mediterranean Diet, which is considered to be one of the healthiest ways you can eat.

4. Have an honest look at how you are living your life – including your time management, your priorities, your daily eating habits, how much you exercise, your sleep quality, unresolved stress, and explore ways you can heal and improve your life skills and choices you make.

With the right interventions, you can boost and protect your immune system.

And, if you need support, contact us, because our naturopaths can help you strengthen your ability to recover and protect your health.

All the best!


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Healthy Gut Reboot Fri, 15 Jul 2022 07:14:30 +0000 WHY YOU NEED A HEALTHY GUT

A healthy gut is essential for maintaining your health and resilience and aiding recovery.

Our healthy gut reboot is designed to help you restore gastrointestinal balance.

We’ve also included a digestion smoothie recipe to soothe your gut, boost digestive enzymes, and nourish beneficial gut micro-organisms (microbiota).

Map of the function of gut microbiota in the human body.HEALTHY GUT NUTRITION

Think of your gut as your engine room that the rest of your body depends on to function, create energy, harmonise your mood, maintain your life, and protect you from disease-causing pathogens.

Your gut microbiome consists of trillions of micro-organisms that keep your engine room running. And they need to be fed the proper nutrients to keep them in top condition.

That means eating gut-friendly food and ditching everything that undermines gut health.

Start by cleaning out your fridge and pantry and get rid of artificially coloured and flavoured food and drinks • foods high in sugar • highly processed foods • lollies • and junk food.

Highly processed foods contain chemical additives, preservatives, and transfats that undermine gut health. And they are devoid of the nutrients your microbiome needs.

Then start eating ‘real-food’ – fresh, unprocessed, biodynamic, and organic foods to gain maximum nutrition from the food you eat.

If you need inspiration, look at The Mediterranean Diet and recipes.


  • Fermented Foods – kimchi, sauerkraut, fermented beets, kefir, kombucha, miso, tempeh, ‘live’ cultured organic Greek yoghurt.
  • Prebiotic Foods – oat bran, inulin, green banana powder, acacia powder, partially hydrolyzed guar gum (PHGG) , licorice root, slippery elm, marshmallow root, konjac root, organic spirulina.
  • Vegetables – avocado, broccoli, leeks, sweet corn, cauliflower, Jerusalem artichoke,  artichokes, beetroot, paprika, leeks, celery, onions, garlic, mushrooms, asparagus, fennel, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, Asian greens, pumpkin, sweet potato, English spinach, radish, watercress, asparagus, red capsicum, cucumber, tomatoes (really ripe off the vine), zucchini, peas, seaweed, traditionally cured black olives.
  • Fruit – pineapple, papaya, apples, pears, berries, really ripe bananas, mango, lime, lemon, citrus, and dates.
  • Nuts – almonds, Brazil nuts, walnuts, nut pastes, and nut milks.
  • Coconut – milk, cultured yoghurt, kefir, cold-pressed oil, flour.
  • Sweeteners – small amounts of pure date syrup for sweetening, pure maple syrup, and raw honey. Ditch refined sugar.
  • Herbs – turmeric, thyme, sage, oregano, rosemary, parsley, ginger, coriander, cumin, fennel, cayenne, cardamom, lemon balm, dill, aloe vera, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, caraway, star anise.
  • Drinks – pure water, chamomile and peppermint tea, green tea, ginger tea, Pu-erh tea, chicory root tea, dandelion root tea, licorice root tea, cacao, turmeric golden milk.
  • Seeds and Grains – brown and wild rice, chia, golden linseed, amaranth, buckwheat, millet, sorghum, quinoa, hemp seeds, rye, and sesame seeds. 
  • Legumes – lentils, chickpeas, peas, kidney beans, navy beans, black beans, soybeans, pinto beans, cannellini beans. Always soak whole grains and legumes overnight (7 hours) and rinse before cooking to reduce phytic acid.
  • Cold-pressed Oils – olive oil, sesame oil, walnut oil, algae oil, hemp oil, avocado oil.


Nutritious wholefoods for energy production to promote health and healing



Digestive enzymes play a crucial role in breaking down the food you eat. They are proteins your body makes to speed up chemical reactions that turn nutrients into substances that your digestive tract can absorb.

A lack of digestive enzymes can lead to various common gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms, including bloating, indigestion, burping, excessive flatulence, heartburn, nausea, constipation, diarrhoea, and abdominal pain.

Poor digestion can also lead to malnourishment (even if you eat a healthy diet) because your body cannot effectively absorb nutrients.

However, certain raw foods are rich in enzymes that support healthy digestion.

In our digestion smoothie recipe, you combine blended apple with cultured coconut kefir and partially hydrolysed guar gum (PHGG) to create a creamy drink that soothes your gut, aids digestion and nourishes beneficial gut micro-organisms (microbiota).


100 ml natural coconut kefir.

2 ripe organic apples finely diced.

1/2 small avocado or 1 ripe banana.

1-2 teaspoons of PHGG.

1 teaspoon pure, raw honey (optional – if sweetening is required).

2 tablespoons of Coyo cultured Greek coconut yoghurt.


Pour the coconut kefir into your blender and slowly add the diced apple until it forms a creamy texture.

Add the avocado (or banana), honey, yoghurt, and blend.

Finally, add the PHGG powder.

Pour into a tall glass and drink with a chewing motion.


Partially hydrolysed guar gum (PHGG) is a prebiotic fibre that promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and helps relieve gastrointestinal symptoms.

Contact us if you have problems sourcing PHGG. We stock our own PHGG dispensary product for our clients and we can supply you.   

Kefir contains the probiotic lactobacillus kefiri, which can inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria and help restore the balance of friendly bacteria in your gut.

We recommend natural or Greek style Coyo Coconut Yoghurt because it is unsweetened, pure, and contains live cultures.

If you live in Western Australia, we have a beautiful local brand of Living Coconut Kefir by Greens Kitchen. They also have a store locator on their website so you can find your local stockist.

When you buy kefir, check the ingredients because some products are misleading. If you cannot buy natural kefir with live cultures, use 100ml of activated, unsweetened almond milk and 1 probiotic capsule.

Raw honey and bananas are rich in amylase, an enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates and starches. And avocados have the digestive enzyme lipase that digests fats.

You could also add other enzyme-rich fruits to your digestion smoothies, such as fresh or frozen organic mango (delicious in a smoothie), pineapple, or a slice of ripe papaya.

Create a healthy gut digestion smoothie you and your microbiome will love!

Shop Now

Diagram emphasising gut health promotes healthy digestion and immune system health.


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Jin Shin Jyutsu – harmonising energy Thu, 07 Jul 2022 08:09:40 +0000 WHAT JIN SHIN JYUTSU HELPS

Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ) is beneficial for many conditions including pain and inflammation, high blood pressure, immune function, fatigue, stress, anxiety, sleep quality, and promoting metabolic health. 

Techniques are also taught so you can continue working with JSJ at home for self-care.


Jin Shin Jyutsu (pronounced jin shin jitsu) is an ancient Japanese healing art (712 C.E) that releases stress and tensions, unblocking and harmonising the flow of energy in your body. 

JSJ is based on the understanding that illness—mental, emotional, and physical—develops from blockages in energy flow. 

Our bodies contain energy pathways that feed our cells. When one or more of these paths become blocked, there is damming effect. 

Energy blockages (stagnation) will not only disrupt the local area but will continue and eventually disharmonise complete paths of energy flow.


In the early 1900s, Jiro Murai organised the oral teachings of Jin Shin Jyutsu into a system of healing, after using JSJ to recover from a life-threatening illness. 

One of his students was a Japanese-American woman named Mary Burmeister, who is responsible for collating his teachings into several books and sharing the knowledge with students all over the world.


A typical Jin Shin Jyutsu session lasts about an hour. The client lies face up on a comfortable padded table, remaining fully clothed during the entire session. 

The practitioner gently places their hands on various ‘safety energy locks’, which are concentrate energy sites in the body.

Two energy locks are held simultaneously until the tension or congestion is released and the energy can flow again. 

Then one or both hands moves to another energy lock and along areas of the body where there is tension. 

There are 26 energy safety locks, and the specific sequences of movements used are called ‘flows’. 

Each energy lock can take seconds to minutes to release and re-energise.


The effects of Jin Shin Jyutsu are unique for each person and each session. The most common effects include a reduction in pain, deep relaxation after the treatment, and feeling refreshed.  

A huge benefit of Jin Shin Jyutsu is its ability to reduce stress and stress-related disorders including heart disease, inflammation, digestion issues, Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), obesity, tension headaches, high blood sugar, asthma, skin conditions, memory impairment, depression, and sleep dysfunction

And the ongoing self-care techniques give you a way to calm your body, mind, and emotions.


Studies conducted in hospital settings have shown JSJ is effective for pregnant mothers with preeclampsia, for women diagnosed with breast cancer, as well as easing pain and side effects during treatment for multiple myeloma, and even stress reduction in nurses working in busy hospital environments.

Clinical studies have also demonstrated that JSJ can help improve the health and quality of life outcomes for children with special needs, as well as people living with HIV/AIDS.

Testimonials also verify the benefits of harmonising energy using Jin Shin Jyutsu.

But perhaps the greatest testimonial comes from Mary Burmeister herself when she said – I am my own testimony.

Her words are a wonderful reminder that we are the evidence of the lives we live. Mary wanted all of us to know a truth she discovered through JSJ – that within each one of us lies the power to cast all misery aside and to know complete peace and oneness – to know ourselves.


Kevin offers Jin Shin Jyutsu and meditation to teach people how to create a state of harmony within themselves.

His joy is helping people understand energy and release what undermines their health and wellbeing.

If you would like an appointment with Kevin, you can book online or contact us directly at the clinic.

Kevin Fergusson Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner


Mardiyanti, I. and Anggasari, Y. (2018). Effectiveness of JSJ (Jin Shin Jyutsu) Massage and Acupressure at Points of LR 3 (Taichong) and LR 2 (Xingjiang) in Reducing Blood Pressure of Pregnant Mothers with Preeclampsia. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium of Public Health – ISOPH, ISBN 978-989-758-338-4; ISSN 2184-3643, pages 122-125. DOI: 10.5220/0007510101220125

Millspaugh, J. et al. (2021) ‘Jin Shin Jyutsu® Self-Help Reduces Nurse Stress: A Randomized Controlled Study’, Journal of Holistic Nursing, 39(1), pp. 4–15. doi: 10.1177/0898010120938922.

Searls, K. and Fawcett, J. (2011) ‘Effect of Jin Shin Jyutsu Energy Medicine Treatments on Women Diagnosed With Breast Cancer’, Journal of Holistic Nursing, 29(4), pp. 270–278. doi: 10.1177/0898010111412186.

Clancy, D., Matthews, M., & Shlay, J. C. (2009). Jin Shin Jyutsu acupressure to improve the quality of life in people with HIV/AIDS. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Therapies 2(3), 173-175.

Maduri, Sudha & Kanikkannan, Lakshmi & Lakshmanan, Shanmugamurthy. (2016). A Clinical Study to find the Efficacy of Healing Children of Special Needs by integration of Brennan Healing Science with Jin Shin Jyutsu®. Ancient Science. 3. 10. 10.14259/as.v3i1.181. 

Shannon, A.R., 2002. Jin Shin Jyutsu outcomes in a patient with multiple myeloma. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 8(5), pp.128-128.

Jin Shin Jyutsu International:

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Why I Love Anti-Bac Disinfectant Sun, 20 Mar 2022 12:25:49 +0000 HOW ANTI-BAC WAS CREATED

I often get asked about Anti-Bac disinfectant, so I thought I’d share how versatile it is. 

Anti-Bac was created decades ago by Lee Rieniets, the founder of Rener Health. He wanted to help his clients heal chronic leg ulcers and infected wounds. 

I became a lifelong fan of Anti-Bac when I realised how handy and versatile it was when I was travelling. I also like knowing that it is pure and free of synthetic chemicals. 


Anti-Bac Disinfectant is a non-toxic, environment-friendly, universal, antiviral disinfectant spray that can be safely used as a broad-spectrum antiseptic.

The two main ingredients are hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as the oxidising agent and colloidal silver (Ag+). They are combined to create a stable, universally applicable disinfectant that can be used to destroy bacteria, amoeba, fungi, mould, and viruses without harmful side effects.

In true synergy, the effect of the combined ingredients in Anti-Bac is greater than the effect of each substance individually. The highly oxidising hydrogen peroxide enhances the effects of the colloidal silver, allowing the silver to penetrate unhindered and neutralise harmful micro-organisms.

The presence of silver near a virus, fungus, bacterium or any other single-celled pathogen disables its oxygen metabolism enzyme. They suffocate and die without corresponding harm occurring to human enzymes or biochemistry, and are cleared out of your body by your immune, lymphatic and elimination systems.


I’ve been using Anti-Bac for years now. It goes wherever I go and is a part of my everyday life. 

Before I use my toothbrush, I rinse it and give the bristles a couple of sprays of Anti-Bac. 

If I need to disinfect my phone or keyboard, I spray Anti-Bac onto a cloth and then wipe over my appliances. If you share office equipment, it offers protection for everyone. 

If I feel like an earache or sore throat, funky eye, or blocked sinus is going to visit me, I give one light spray of Anti-Bac in each ear. I open my mouth and spray my throat. I give a light spray to my eyes while blinking, and a spray up my nose as I breathe in.

Anti-Bac works for me. I’ve also used it on cuts and sores and for preventing thrush. 

I’ve even used Anti-Bac on my dog’s fungal ear infections – one light spray into his ear, twice a day. It was always so gentle and effective.


Anti-Bac is like having your own handy germ guard on hand, especially if people are coughing around you. 

I spray it on family and friends suffering from colds or flu. I visit them with honey, lemons, ginger, and Anti-Bac. 

If you’re travelling on a plane, spray Anti-Bac around your face, head, and the back of your neck several times during a flight. 

I always say to anyone travelling, take Anti-Bac with you and a couple of really good supplements for your immune system. Talk to your naturopath before you travel. Because there’s nothing worse than getting sick while you’re far away from home.

I do the same when I’m in enclosed public spaces, especially when colds and flu are rife in the winter months. 

If there are viruses going around, I spray Anti-Bac over myself before leaving home. I also give a light spray of it inside my face mask. I use cloth masks. 


Hold the spray bottle about a hand’s length away, and one light spray or two is all you need. 

I hope these tips help. And if you would like to know more about Anti-Bac, you can always call us for more information.

All the best,

Tracey Rieniets 

Shop Anti Bac ]]> 0
Immune Boosting Orange Puree Recipe Mon, 01 Aug 2022 02:35:07 +0000 WHY EAT ORANGE PUREE?

We created a slow-cooked orange puree recipe (using the peels) to help you boost and protect your metabolism and immune system. It’s a prevention is always the best cure type of recipe you can eat daily. 

Orange peel nutrients are widely studied for their potential to prevent disease and virus infection, promote heart and gut health, aid digestion, reduce allergies, and calm inflammation.

Orange peel puree can also help you recover from viruses, colds, and flu infections.


We use slow-cooking for this recipe to preserve as much nutrition as possible. But you can also boil the oranges, and we give you that option in the recipe.


3 organic blood oranges

1/2 cup boiling water

1/4 cup lemon juice

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon monk fruit powder.

3 tablespoons of dark, organic, pure maple syrup.


Slow cooker – 4 hours on low.

Stick blender.

Metric measuring spoons.

Glass storage jars.


If you can’t source organic oranges, wash them thoroughly with detergent or a sonic cleaner to remove any wax or pesticide residues. Do not remove the peel.

Cut the oranges into quarters and then finely slice each quarter, and remove any seeds.

Layer the orange slices in your slow cooker.

Pour half a cup of boiling water into a glass measuring jug.

Add the cinnamon and monk fruit.

Whisk the ingredients until they dissolve.

Pour over the oranges.

Finally, stir the lemon juice into your fruit mix

Set the cooker on slow heat for 4 hours.

After 2 hours stir the fruit, bringing the bottom layers to the top, and press the fruit into the juices.

After four hours, turn the cooker off, take the lid off, and allow the cooked oranges to cool.

When cooled to room temperature, add the maple syrup to offset the bitterness of the orange pith.

Then get your stick blender and blend into a smooth orange puree.

Taste test and add more maple syrup if needed.

Pour your purée into clean glass jars and store it in the fridge.

Because this recipe doesn’t contain preserving sugar, make sure you eat the puree within two weeks.




A 1.5 litre slow cooker with a ceramic inner pot and glass lid was used for this recipe. You may need to adjust the cooking time if you use more oranges or a large slow cooker.

The oranges are ready when the peels easily break up with a fork.

If you don’t have a slow cooker, you can boil the oranges using the same recipe. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and gently simmer with the lid on the pot for one hour. Keep the lid on the pot and allow the cooked oranges to cool to room temperature before blending.

If you can’t source blood oranges, use a sweet orange variety instead.

If you can’t source organic oranges, make sure you wash them thoroughly with warm water and detergent or use a sonic cleaner.

Vinegar is another way to remove residues from fruits and vegetables. You can soak the oranges for twenty minutes in four-parts water and one-part vinegar. Then wash thoroughly.

The amount of sweetener you add will depend on the variety and amount of oranges you use. Taste test and sweeten accordingly. Don‘t use sugar.

If you can’t source monk fruit, don’t worry – it’s a wonderful natural sweetener that offers health-boosting benefits – just add maple syrup after the oranges are puréed.

If you can’t source 100% pure organic certified maple syrup, use raw honey. Add honey once your cooked oranges have cooled so you don’t destroy the enzymes in the honey.


Pureed oranges in Orange Puree Recipe blog



You can eat 1 tablespoon of orange puree daily to boost your metabolism and immune system, and prevent chronic disease.

Slow cooking creates a stronger brew than boiling oranges. Make sure you dilute your orange puree in other dishes and drinks.

Add 2 teaspoons of orange purée to 2 tablespoons of coconut yoghurt. We use plain Coyo yoghurt because it doesn’t contain fillers. Avoid animal dairy products if you are congested with phlegm. 

If you can’t source plain, ‘live’ coconut yoghurt, add a tablespoon of orange puree to a small bowl of plain Greek yoghurt. Only use a live, plain yoghurt without fillers – they offer beneficial friendly bacteria that aid your gut health and digestion.

Add 1 tablespoon of orange puree to a mango and banana smoothie. See our Healthy Gut Reboot blog for more smoothie ideas.

Add a tablespoon of puree to individual 200mL coconut chia puddings.

Drizzle a tablespoon of orange puree on your cooked porridge.

Add 1-2 teaspoons of puree to a cup of lemongrass tea to clear lung congestion.

Add a tablespoon of orange peel puree to a bowl of fruit salad.

Add 1-2 teaspoons of puree to a delicious hot cacao drink with saffron honey to soothe coughing.

Slow cooking makes orange peels more palatable. But for greater nutritional value, you could also zest raw orange peel and add it to yoghurt, smoothies, salads, in dairy-free cream cheese frosting (try Sheese), and as a dessert topping.

You can also add a tablespoon of raw orange peel to fresh juices. Try fresh pineapple, carrot, orange peel, and ginger juice to alleviate coughing. CAUTION: pineapple is not recommended if you are pregnant or take blood thinning medication. Use organic apples instead.


Hot chocolate drink made from cacao, cinnamon, and orange puree



Orange Peel

Calms respiratory distress • reduces phlegm • histamine reducing for allergies • lung cleansing • liver protective • immune boosting • aids digestion and fat metabolism • reduces gut inflammation • cholesterol and blood pressure • natural anti-inflammatory • nutrient rich • helps regulate blood sugar • rich in flavonoids and antioxidants that help reduce oxidative damage • helps fight the symptoms of infection, colds and flu • disease prevention.


Viral infections • anti-inflammatory • bacterial infections • Inhibits candida • promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria • decreases abdominal fat • improves fasting blood sugar • improves insulin resistance • anti-diabetic • rich in antioxidants • autoimmune symptoms • blood pressure (hypertension) • brain food • central nervous system • cholesterol • cognitive decline • protects colon • dental health • diabetes • fungal infections • protects against cardiovascular disease and neurodegenerative disorders • weight management • wound healing.

Pure Dark Maple Syrup

Rich in antioxidant properties (quebecol) • liver protective • ammonia reducing • aids digestion • anti-cancer compounds (MS-BuOH extract) • DNA protective • reduces LDL cholesterol • has a lower glycemic index than sucrose • anti-inflammatory • neurodegenerative disease prevention • aids diversity of the gut microbiome.

Monk Fruit

Used traditionally to relieve sore throats, cough, colds, and reduce phlegm • fructose and glucose free • antioxidant and anti-cancer properties • anti-fatigue, anti-diabetic and anti-hyperglycemic properties • 300 times sweeter than sucrose so use sparingly.

Always remember – your body is designed to heal!

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Cruciferous Vegetables With 2 Delicious Recipes Sun, 20 Mar 2022 12:54:46 +0000 CRUCIFEROUS VEGETABLES BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM

Cruciferous vegetables contain natural substances that help prevent cellular degeneration, fortify your immune system, and even protect you against cancer.

The cruciferous family of vegetables includes broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, bok choy, rocket, kale, arugula, collards, mustard greens and seeds, horseradish, wasabi, kohlrabi, brussel sprouts, radish, turnip greens, rutabaga, and watercress.

For optimum immune support, eat one serving of cruciferous vegetables every day, or a minimum of five serves per week. 

And don’t forget to add immune boost your recipes with fresh herbs and spices.

Here’s one of our favourite cabbage recipes that’s simple and tasty. Use your favourite cabbage for this dish.

And we’ve included a White Bean Hummus Dip recipe you can use as a dip for fresh or steamed cruciferous vegetables, for vege bowls, or as a coleslaw dressing.



1 small cabbage (or half a large cabbage), trimmed and finely shredded.

1/2 brown onion finely diced.

1 tbsp of organic rice bran oil. 

1 teaspoon of dark sesame oil.

1 tsp of black mustard seeds.

A squeeze of fresh lemon juice (optional).

1 clove of finely minced garlic (for garlic lovers – optional).

Pink lake salt and freshly ground black pepper to season.


Heat the oils in a large frying pan until the oil sizzles when you add a drop of water.

Add the mustard seeds and when they begin to pop, add the onion and fry until golden. 

If you love garlic, add 1 clove when you are frying the onions. 

Gently stir in your cabbage and fry until tender.

Add a dash or two of freshly ground pepper and salt, and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice (optional). 

Stir the seasoning through and serve.


Hummus is naturally high in healthy fats and anti-inflammatory sesamin for boosting bone, joint, and heart health. It’s low in carbohydrates and a good source of protein and fibre. Your skin and hair will love it too.

This delicious recipe can be used as a sauce with freshly steamed cruciferous vegetables, or as a dressing for coleslaw and vegetable bowls.

It’s a versatile summer food for picnics, barbecues, parties, or just because you want to eat healthy.


1 can of organic cannellini beans (425g).

1/4 cup organic tahini. 

1/4 cup lemon juice.

1/2 tsp lemon zest. 

1 tbsp capers (or use sea salt to your taste).

1 tbsp pure maple syrup (or agave).

1/4 tsp of ground cumin.

1 crushed garlic clove.

2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh chives. 


Drain and rinse the beans.

Marinate the garlic in the lemon juice and maple syrup for 5 minutes.

Add all of the ingredients except for the chives into a food processor or use a stick blender and bowl. 

Blend until creamy. Scrape down the sides as needed.

Taste and adjust the ingredients to suit your palate. You can add more salt (capers) or sweet (maple) notes • boost the garlic or leave it out • or even add a dash of chilli flakes if you love spicy food. The beauty of this recipe is you can make it to suit you.

The final step is adding the chopped chives. Use a spatula and stir them into the hummus. 

Pour into a sealed glass container and refrigerate overnight so the flavours can settle and combine. 

Store in the fridge and eat within three days.

Recipe Notes

To make a creamier hummus for coleslaw and dips, add 1-2 tablespoons of Norganic soy mayonnaise or use plain coconut yoghurt for vegan diets.

Garnish hummus dips with a swirl of black sesame seeds, a drizzle of toasted sesame oil, and a sprinkle of finely chopped mint leaves or chives. 

Side serves of roasted red capsicum, caramelised onions, and olives make white bean hummus a delicious feast.

Enjoy better immune health!

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Why The Beach & Bare Feet Tue, 16 Aug 2022 00:54:47 +0000  


Our clients ask us why we have the beach and bare feet on our website. One person even asked, do we have a foot fetish? That question made us smile.

So we thought we’d better explain ourselves and satisfy everyone’s curiosity.

The short answer is we love the beach for many reasons. And the ocean and feet images are symbolic too.


Website beach theme of Health written in sand depicts Our Health Services



The ocean theme on our website symbolises natural health and healing and our love for our beach lifestyle.

Perth, Western Australia (where we live), is a coastal city. In summer, the temperatures hover around 40 degrees celsius.

Because of our climate, many West Australians have grown up swimming and playing in the sea, sand, and sun.

As adults (big kids), we still love going to the beach because it’s relaxing, and you feel amazing after a walk on the shore and swimming in the ocean.

And there’s a good reason why going to the beach rejuvenates our health.

Negative ions are unseen electrically charged molecules floating in the atmosphere that offer significant health benefits.

When we breathe in negative ions, they produce biochemical reactions in our body that increase levels of a ‘feel-good’ chemical called serotonin that regulates mood.

Serotonin helps alleviate stress and depression and boosts daytime energy. You feel happier and calmer and more focused and alive.

Negative ions are abundant in nature, especially where there is surf or waterfalls, fast running streams, or up in the mountains and forests.

That’s why we recommend spending time in nature every day.

Nature truly is the best medicine!


Another reason for loving the beach is because ocean water is full of minerals that can help heal skin conditions, fungal and bacterial infections and wounds • alleviate allergies • improve lung conditions • strengthen your immune system • and alleviate stress.

Floating in the ocean relaxes your body and takes the pressure off joints, which helps to ease bone, muscle, and arthritic pain.

And enjoying the seaside sunshine offers you a good dose of vitamin D for your bones and immune system.


Walking Barefooted on the sea shore for health



Our website images of people walking barefoot along the sea shore symbolise the importance of moving your body in ways you enjoy – and connecting with the earth.

We all know fitness is essential to our health, but it doesn’t mean you can’t have fun keeping your body toned.

Walking in the waves represents moving your body in rejuvenating ways that connect you with nature and negative ions.

Walking barefooted in beach sand (or on grass) grounds your energies, earthing your body. Studies have shown that the benefits of grounding include better sleep, less pain and inflammation, and reduced stress.

I have a lovely childhood memory of mum telling me to walk barefoot on the grass or hug a tree (when I was stressed or upset) to ground my energy and make me feel better. To this day, I still love hugging trees. And I swear it works.


Website theme beach, fitness and health



The ocean’s healing powers continually inspire and rejuvenate us.

We love swimming, floating in the waves, walking and running along the beach, and enjoying our childhood nostalgia for fun in the sun.

When we’re on the beach, we’re just big kids.

We also love the colour turquoise.

Turquoise is calm and friendly, radiating the tranquillity of blue, the growth of green, and the vitality of yellow.

Everything we love about the ocean and turquoise represents everything we want for you too.

All the best,

Lisa Rieniets ND

Vitamin Sea is wonderful for health and healing!

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