General Health – Rener Health Clinics Your Trusted Perth Naturopath For Over 50 Years Tue, 11 Apr 2023 05:03:31 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 General Health – Rener Health Clinics 32 32 Your Body is Designed To Be Healthy Wed, 26 Oct 2022 07:49:57 +0000

“Health is a gift you give yourself that allows you to fully participate in life and give to others from the abundance of your own wellbeing.”


I’ve been consulting as a naturopath since 1985, and I’ve always loved health and healing. It’s my reason for being.

I’ve come to an age where I’m looking at my life’s footprint and what’s important.

My goal now is to leave behind a legacy of knowledge that began in 1970 when our family opened Rener Health Centres, a naturopathic clinic in Western Australia.

We’ve spent decades working with families and co-creating holistic solutions for improving health.

Since the beginning of Rener, our motto has always been prevention is the best cure.

Your health is not just a matter of not being sick today. Some ailments take years of self-neglect before they develop into symptoms.

The good news is your body is designed to be healthy.

You can improve your health when you understand what your body needs and what to do to maintain well-being. And you do it!

It’s my joy to share my skills and experience with you.


At the very core of health, you find that it’s all about energy.

Everything we eat, drink, breathe, absorb, think, believe and perceive, feel, decide, say, do and experience influences how energy is created, absorbed, used, and flows. The state of our health is an indicator of this process.

As a naturopath, my job is to identify what’s going on and why so that my clients can heal and maintain an optimal state of energy and well-being.


We believe energy is everything. It is the power that sustains life.

The number one requirement for health and well-being is vital force (chi), which means the quality and quantity of energy available to your cells.

Vital force depends on your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual states of well-being, and all are equally important to the wholeness of your health.


Health is the end result of harmony and balance between all that influences a living being – including physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, social, and environmental levels of existence. All of these factors need to be addressed in healthcare programs.


From a holistic perspective, studies reveal that it is not the individual parts of a person but the flow and dynamics between them that are pivotal to health outcomes. To heal means to harmonise the whole of you.

Natural Health is like a garden and you are the gardener


I often use the imagery of a garden to help my clients understand their health and realise their bodies are far from helpless.

Naturopathic medicine is based on recognising that your body is a balanced ecosystem, much like a garden but more complex.

Like a garden, you are innately a self-protecting, self-recovering, self-regulating and self-restoring organism, if given the right requirements.

In a healthy garden, all the individual parts – the soil quality, nutrients, water, sunlight, seeds, animals (birds, bees, insects, worms), and microorganisms – work together harmoniously to produce trees, flowers, grass, fruits, herbs, and vegetables. Not one part of a garden works separately from the whole.

It’s the same with your own body (garden). All your immune system organs – your gut, lymph nodes, white blood cells, bone marrow, liver, lungs, sinus, hormones, and brain – work together to provide a well-functioning immune response. Not one part of you exists in isolation from the rest. They all depend on each other.

When it comes to gardening, gardeners know that tomato seeds will not grow in beach sand, no matter how many seeds you scatter. That’s because seeds alone are only one part of the story.

There are fundamental natural laws that govern gardening. Producing a healthy harvest requires fertile soil containing the right amount of nutrients, microorganisms, seeds, water, and sunshine. These elements must also be in proper proportion and balance. If you use too much water, your plants will drown. If you don’t provide enough water, your plants will wither and die.

It’s precisely the same for your body and its ability to thrive and protect itself. What you put into your body, what you expose your body to, environmental factors, and lifestyle choices, hugely influences your health outcomes.

To take charge of your health, you need to change your perception of your body. Your body is like a garden, an intricately balanced ecosystem. And you are the gardener.


The opposite belief of seeing yourself as a garden is to consider yourself to be more like a machine made up of individual parts, unable to be repaired unless broken bits are replaced.

A machine is a victim of wear and tear, powerless to defend or renew itself. Machines are destined to break down and end up on the scrap heap.

You are not a machine!


Most people don’t know how healthy they can be because they have never applied nature’s laws to their bodies and reaped the benefits. The fantastic thing about nature is that it doesn’t matter how damaged or neglected a garden (your body) is; you can still restore it.

If you make the effort to clean out the weeds (toxins, inflammation, sugar, etc.) • repair the soil quality (microbiome and micronutrients) • and nourish the garden (nutrition, hydration, exercise, sleep, relaxation) • you can rebuild, revitalise and heal.

Alternatively, if you see yourself as a machine and don’t bother to cleanse, repair, and fuel your body (garden), you won’t be able to thrive or protect your health.

Mature woman meditating to relax, unlock energy and nurture health


Health is not a matter of luck or ‘good’ genes. Everything you do every day influences your health outcomes.

Here are some of the general health guidelines I give my clients that can also help you:

Restore your gut microbiome: 80% of your immune well-being depends on the microorganisms (microbiome) that live in your gut. Therefore, you need to address any imbalance in the gut microbial community. Too much pathogenic bacteria and not enough friendly bacteria contribute to an irritable bowel (diarrhoea, constipation), smelly gas, bloating, an itchy anus, and a compromised immune response. See our Healthy Gut Reboot blog for more health tips and guidelines.

Reduce your stress load with sufficient relaxation, mindfulness, play, and prayer practices.

Keep inflammation levels low through healthy nutrition and learning stress management skills.

Exercise briskly 3-4 times per week – start with 10 minutes minimum and build up to 40 minutes of exercise, increasing your heart rate until you are sweating and puffing.

Get sufficient sleep: aim for 7 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

Reduce belly fat by eating less sugar and processed foods, reducing how much food you eat (portion control), and increasing your exercise. Obesity is a leading contributor to chronic disease.

Provide your body with nutrition that builds a strong immune system by eliminating sugar and processed foods, and increasing your intake of fruit, vegetables, herbs, spices, nuts, and seeds.

Quit smoking and get all the help you need to succeed.

Drink in moderation if you consume alcohol: 2 standard drinks maximum per day.

Reduce exposure to immune-depleting toxins: including chemicals hidden in household cleansers (go green) • air fresheners (use essential oils) • plastic and non-stick cookware (use glass, ceramic and stainless steel) • personal hygiene and makeup (use chemical-free, organic products) • cosmetic fillers and botox injections (switch to cosmetic acupuncture) • highly coloured and preserved food (eat organic and biodynamic).

Woman walking her dog along the seashore to nurture her health


I always encourage my clients to love themselves enough to be a priority in their lives.

That means making time for health and well-being.

And if you don’t know where to begin – start anywhere that heals.

Read our blogs.

Explore and discover.

If you need help and guidance – seek it.

If you need to learn new life skills – learn them.

And never give up on you!


Wishing you the best of health,

Lisa Rieniets. ND

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Boost Bone & Joint Health Recipe Sat, 20 Aug 2022 16:23:10 +0000 Our anti-inflammatory black seed oil and black sesame seed tahini recipe is designed to support your immune system, bones, brain and gut health, soothe inflammation, and as a tonic to rebuild your vitality if you have been ill or need to recharge. Lisa Rieniets ND


  • 2 tablespoons of cultured coconut yoghurt.
  • 1 teaspoon of organic cold-pressed black cumin seed oil (black seed oil).
  • 1 heaped teaspoon of organic black sesame seed tahini.
  • 1 teaspoon of raw honey.


The recipe itself is so easy to make. You start with an unsweetened, pure cultured coconut yoghurt and then add the other ingredients to the yoghurt. 

Mix all of the ingredients thoroughly together in a cup, and eat it in the morning after breakfast to support your energy levels for the day. 


It’s the nutrition in the ingredients you’re after but there’s no reason why you can’t play with the recipe.

Add your favourite berries or raw cacao to the mix if you want an extra boost of antioxidants.

Black seed oil is potent. That’s why we soften the effect on your gut with coconut yoghurt. It’s also better to start by using half a teaspoon of oil for several days and build up to using a full teaspoon.

We use honey in the recipe to sweeten as well as promote healthy digestion and support your immune system. If the taste of black seed oil is too strong for you, try adding another teaspoon of raw honey.

Some people prefer to take the black seed oil part of our recipe by itself, rather than with the other ingredients. That’s fine but make sure you take the oil after you have eaten food. If you prefer to take black seed oil separately, swallow it straight off a teaspoon and follow with a chaser of fresh juice. Or you can take black seed oil capsules.

The benefits of black cumin seed are worth it so find a way to take black seed oil that works for you.

If you can’t find the ingredients locally, contact us because we do stock black seed oil and organic black sesame seed tahini.



We use coconut yoghurt because of what it doesn’t contain. The presence of hormones in animal milk products has the potential to disrupt your endocrine system (hormones) and is linked to breast, testicular and prostate cancers. 

When you eat coconut yoghurt (instead of traditional dairy) you still get an abundance of live probiotics, which calm chronic inflammation by improving the levels of healthy bacteria in your gut. 

Probiotics are also associated with decreased diarrhoea and constipation; improved digestive symptoms, glycaemic control, antioxidant status, blood lipids, oral health and breastfeeding outcomes; enhanced immunity; and eradicating helicobacter pylori, which cause ulcers.

If you live in Australia, we use a local coconut yoghurt called COYO because it is organic, contains no refined sugars or preservatives, and it’s full of live probiotics.

Try Coyo Greek or Natural yoghurt.  It’s rich in probiotics, creamy and delicious.

Coyo Greek Style coconut yoghurt for gut health and inflammation


Black seed is known for fighting bacteria, viruses, fungal infections, inflammation, cancer and parasites.

Action immunostimulant • antibacterial • antifungal • anti-ulcerative • anti-inflammatory • anticancer • antioxidant • anti-tumorous • anti-pyretic • hypoglycaemic • immunomodulatory • anti-hypertensive • antidepressant • antispasmodic • hepatoprotective • anti-parasitic • antiosteoporotic.

Traditional Use candida albicans • bacterial and viral infections • boosting immune cell activity and antibodies • prevents osteoporosis • stimulates bone marrow production •high in antioxidants. • asthma and reducing airway inflammation • natural anti-inflammatory for joint pain • used topically for skin conditions such as acne, eczema, psoriasis • blood sugar and cholesterol balance •weight loss • digestion and gut health • allergies and hay fever • brain health and cognition • kidney and liver protection.

Nigella sativa has been used as a traditional medicine for centuries. The oil and thymoquinone (TQ)extracted from its seeds are effective against many diseases including cancer in the blood system, lung, breast, bone, kidney, liver, prostate, breast, cervix, and skin; cardiovascular complications; diabetes; asthma; and kidney disease. 

Hab Shifa Black Seed Oil for immune support, inflammation, bones and healing.


Black sesame seed tahini is full of essential vitamins, minerals and healthy fats that have anti-inflammatory properties.

Sesamin and other antioxidants in sesame seeds can help support and strengthen your bones, ease inflammation and pain related to injury, lung disease and arthritis; prevent free radical damage to your cells; improve brain health and the risk of developing dementia; and have been studied extensively for their anti-cancer potential, including colon, lung, liver, and breast cancer.

Sesame seeds are also used to help regulate blood pressure, cholesterol and the risk of heart disease, prevent diabetes, strengthen bones, muscles and joints, improve skin health, and relieve constipation.

In Chinese herbal medicine, black sesame seeds are used to prevent and reverse common signs of ageing like mobility, loss of hearing, poor memory, grey hair, skin pigmentation, wrinkles, and poor eyesight.

Carwari Black Unhulled Tahini for bones, joints and healing inflammation.

A delicious way you can boost your joints and bone health!

Shop Now



Hannan MA, Rahman MA, Sohag AAM, Uddin MJ, Dash R, Sikder MH, Rahman MS, Timalsina B, Munni YA, Sarker PP, Alam M, Mohibbullah M, Haque MN, Jahan I, Hossain MT, Afrin T, Rahman MM, Tahjib-Ul-Arif M, Mitra S, Oktaviani DF, Khan MK, Choi HJ, Moon IS, Kim B. Black Cumin (Nigella sativa L.): A Comprehensive Review on Phytochemistry, Health Benefits, Molecular Pharmacology, and Safety. Nutrients. 2021 May 24;13(6):1784. doi: 10.3390/nu13061784. PMID: 34073784; PMCID: PMC8225153.

Khadem Haghighian M, Alipoor B, Eftekhar Sadat B, Malek Mahdavi A, Moghaddam A, Vatankhah AM. Effects of sesame seed supplementation on lipid profile and oxidative stress biomarkers in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Health Promot Perspect. 2014 Jul 12;4(1):90-7. doi: 10.5681/hpp.2014.012. PMID: 25097842; PMCID: PMC4122033.

Khan MA, Chen HC, Tania M, Zhang DZ. Anticancer activities of Nigella sativa (black cumin). Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. 2011;8(5 Suppl):226-32. doi: 10.4314/ajtcam.v8i5S.10. Epub 2011 Jul 3. PMID: 22754079; PMCID: PMC3252704.

Ma ZP, Zhang ZF, Yang YF, Yang Y. Sesamin Promotes Osteoblastic Differentiation and Protects Rats from Osteoporosis. Med Sci Monit. 2019 Jul 17;25:5312-5320. doi: 10.12659/MSM.915529. PMID: 31314750; PMCID: PMC6659468.

Prasad M N, Nagendra & Sanjay, Konasur & Prasad, Deepika & Vijay, Neha & Kothari, Ruchika & Shivananju, Nanjunda Swamy. (2012). A review on nutritional and nutraceuticals properties of sesame. Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences. Nutrition & Food Science. 2. 1-6. 

Ruckmani A, Meti V, Vijayashree R, Arunkumar R, Konda VR, Prabhu L, Madhavi E, Devi S. Anti-rheumatoid activity of ethanolic extract of Sesamum indicum seed extract in Freund’s complete adjuvant induced arthritis in Wistar albino rats. J Tradit Complement Med. 2017 Jul 5;8(3):377-386. doi: 10.1016/j.jtcme.2017.06.003. PMID: 29992108; PMCID: PMC6035311.

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Sunscreen – Don’t Be Fooled By Branding Sun, 13 Nov 2022 02:01:51 +0000 There are some sunscreen ingredients I will not put on my body.

And just when you think you’ve found the perfect sunscreen, you discover you bought a false image.

I’d love to share my story with you so that it doesn’t happen to you.


I’ve been a naturopath for decades, and many of my clients are immune compromised, seeking to heal chronic illnesses.

I’m very protective of my clients, which is why I will only recommend safe products, particularly things we use daily on our bodies.

When we don’t look at the ingredients in the cosmetics we buy, we can unknowingly expose ourselves to toxic synthetic chemicals.

Knowing the consequences when we don’t protect our health, I want to share my story about how easy it is to be manipulated by clever marketing.

Image of components of branding so people can see through clever marketing and avoid synthetic chemicals in sunscreens.


Branding is all the things a company uses to sell their products, from the logo and packaging to the images and information on their websites. Even the use of celebrity influencers becomes part of a brand.

I own Rener Health Clinics and this is how our team was misled by branding.

We wanted to bring in a safe sunscreen for my clients, a product they could trust was not going to undermine their health conditions.

We were recommended a sunscreen that was supposed to be very effective and what we were looking for.

Our mistake was that we didn’t look deeper into the ingredients in the products.

We didn’t look beyond appearances.

The brand we bought is a work of art. Their website is beautiful and full of nature images, gorgeous photography, and trust-invoking words.

Their infographic chart and list of what is in their products were all natural ingredients. Their content spoke about the importance of protecting and nourishing your skin, and ingredient transparency.

We were sold on what we saw and ordered the range because of how they showcased their products.

It wasn’t until we started to write about the ingredients to share with our clients that we realised these sunscreens were not what we thought they were.

You see, you had to look into their blogs and product packaging to realise the active ingredients are synthetic chemicals known to harm health.

We had already paid for the products, they were on their way to us, and there was no way we would sell these sunscreens to anyone, let alone someone with health issues.


Yes, it was our fault, our mistake. We didn’t do our homework thoroughly.

But still, we wrote to this company and explained that we are a health clinic and cannot sell their products.

We included links to published (peer-reviewed) studies regarding the ingredients that stopped us from stocking their brand. And we asked if we could return the products.

We received a rather obscure reply meant to “alleviate our concerns”.

We were warned about false information (googling?) on the internet and the importance of following the science of regulatory bodies. The products we wanted to return were compliant with Australian therapeutic regulations for manufacturers, and we should trust the regulators.

Well, that was a big no from us!

Regulations are constantly changing as new scientific evidence emerges. There are many chemicals now banned in products that were initially approved for use.

We’d also questioned the issue of transparency and asked why the active ingredients (the synthetic chemicals) weren’t listed in their ingredient glossary or infographics.

We were told they are not legally required to list the active ingredients – they are on the product packaging.


We asked to return a range of chemical sunscreens.

The answer was initially no.

Our story could have ended with an expensive trip to the rubbish dump, poorer financially but wiser.

But we went back to renegotiate and finally, both parties agreed to disagree. We could return what we had bought.

And we’re very thankful.

Diagram of magnifying glass over cosmetic label to emphasise the importance of researching ingredients and avoiding synthetic chemicals.


We all make mistakes in life. We learn from them. And we move on.

Sometimes we can even create something good from the lessons we learn.

When life hands you lemons, make lemonade – as the saying goes.

I decided my lemonade was to share our story and highlight the influence of branding, and what happens when we don’t look beyond appearances.

I’m very dedicated to helping people learn how to protect and nourish their health.

An essential part of guarding your health is knowing what to put in and on your body.

Please read our blog Are Your Cosmetics Harming You? We include links to databases so you can research the products you use and make an informed decision.

I also want to give you a list of ingredients to look for in sunscreens, so you know which synthetic chemicals to avoid.

I hope our lesson helps you.


4-Methylbenzylidene Camphor European researchers cite concerns over thyroid toxicity, hormone disruption, and recommend this chemical not be used in sunscreen.

Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane (Avobenzone) • May cause allergic reactions, disrupt the endocrine system, and has been shown to block the effects of testosterone in cellular studies.

Ethylhexyl Triazone • May cause skin rash or dermatitis for those with sensitive skin.

Homosalate  Acts as an endocrine disruptor and may also enhance the absorption of pesticides in the body.

Octinoxate (ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate) Has been found to mimic oestrogen and block thyroid functions; can also cause allergic reactions.

Octisalate (Ethylhexyl Salicylate) Affects the endocrine system, weakly binding to the oestrogen receptor; has also been linked to allergic contact dermatitis.

Octocrylene Breaks down into benzophenone, which is a mutagen (causes mutations in our DNA), a  carcinogen (cancer-causing), and an endocrine disruptor (interferes with gland function and reproduction). DNA changes caused by mutagens may harm cells and cause certain diseases, such as cancer.

Oxybenzone Behaves like an endocrine disruptor and potentially of greater harm to children; may increase the risk of breast cancer and endometriosis.

When you investigate cosmetic ingredients, you realise it pays to choose wisely what you put on your body.

Prevention is always the best cure!

Wishing you the best of health,

Lisa Rieniets ND.

PS* We did find two natural sunscreens. Visit our Safer Sunscreens blog for the reasons why we chose them.

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Safer Sunscreens Sun, 13 Nov 2022 03:31:18 +0000 We went looking for safer sunscreens for our clients, to guard their skin against harmful UV rays and protect their health.

Here’s what we found.


There are two types of sunscreens chemical and physical (mineral), and they work in different ways.

Physical sunscreens contain the minerals zinc and titanium oxide. These minerals sit on top of your skin and block UV rays from penetrating the skin. They deflect (scatter) the sun’s harmful rays.

Then you have Chemical sunscreens, which penetrate your skin. They don’t block. Once UV light is absorbed into your skin, the sunscreen ingredients create a chemical reaction that converts UV light into heat that gets released via your skin.


Chemical sunscreen ingredients aren’t as thick as physical sunscreens, which is why they are often used by manufacturers of sunscreen sprays, face creams, makeup, and hair sunscreen products.

The coverage is also said to last longer. However, you do have to wait 20 to 30 minutes before going out in the sun to give chemical sunscreens enough time to penetrate your skin. Physical sunscreens protect you immediately.

It’s also important to know that sunscreens in Australia must be approved for safety by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) or they can’t be sold.

Even though chemical sunscreens are TGA-approved, we still recommend physical sunscreens because we consider them a healthier option.

Many of our clients’ immune systems are low, affecting their ability to fight off infections and diseases. That’s why often we use stricter guidelines than regulators.

It’s argued that the risks of sun exposure outweigh the potential risks of absorbing sunscreen chemicals.

However, if you have sensitive skin, chemical sunscreens can cause allergic skin reactions and worsen rosacea and hyperpigmentation.

There are also concerns about the effects of chemical sunscreen ingredients on the endocrine system and hormones, as well as the risk of certain cancers.

We choose physical sunscreens because they are safer.

Physical sunscreen infographic why mineral sunscreens are safer.


Ethical Zinc and Avocado Zinc are both physical sunscreens that we recommend for our clients.

The next time you buy sunscreen, or any cosmetic for that matter, please check the labels and avoid ingredients that could undermine your health.

Our blog Are Your Cosmetics Harming You provides links to databases you can use to research product ingredients.

We also recommend a mind-opening documentary called Toxic Beauty that every family should watch together.

Image of Ethical Zinc, a physical sunscreen that is safer the chemical sunscreen.


Formulated with non-nano zinc oxide and is suitable for even highly sensitive skin.

SPF 50+ Natural Clear Zinc Sunscreen is water resistant for 4 hours, and the ingredients are certified natural.

Preservative Free, Chemical Actives Free, Cruelty-Free, and Reef Friendly. Made with solar power in Australia.


  • Zinc Oxide (227mg/g): A natural mineral that provides stable broad-spectrum protection against UVA and UVB rays.
  • Medium Chain Triglycerides: A fatty oil derived from coconuts rich in antioxidants.
  • White Beeswax: Used to help improve the consistency of the cream.
  • Coco-caprylate: A skin-conditioning agent naturally derived from coconut oil.
  • Castor Oil: Oil derived from the castor bean plant.
  • Coconut Oil: Obtained from the flesh of the coconut.
  • Polyglyceryl-3 Polyricinoleate: Derived from castor oil.
  • Isostearic Acid: A naturally derived fatty acid we use as a binder.
  • D-alpha-tocopheryl Acetate: Also known as Vitamin E, that helps preserve the product.
  • Vanilla: Derived from natural plant extracts.


Avocado Zinc is a physical sunscreen that is considered safer than chemical sunscreens.


SPF 50+ Avocado Zinc is a 3-in-1 sunscreen, moisturiser, and primer that contains a special blend of skin-boosting ingredients including Avocado Oil, Coconut Oil, Vitamin E, Calendula Oil, and Kakadu Plum Oil, to soothe & moisturise your skin without weighing it down or leaving it oily.

And it’s also perfect for wearing every day under makeup.

Gentle on sensitive skin and suitable for babies, pregnancy, and breastfeeding mothers.

Avocado Zinc rubs in clear and is designed for everyday use.

Preservative Free, Fragrance-Free, Chemical Actives Free, Vegan, Cruelty-Free, Reef Friendly and packaged in recyclable tubes made from recycled materials. Made in Western Australia.


  • Active ingredient: Non-Nano Zinc Oxide 227.5 mg/g.
  • Medium chain triglyceride.
  • Castor oil.
  • Candelilla wax.
  • Coco-caprylate.
  • Coconut Oil.
  • Polyglyceryl-3 polyricinoleate.
  • Avocado oil.
  • Vitamin E (d-alpha tocopheryl acetate).
  • Calendula Oil.
  • Kakadu plum oil (Terminalia ferdinandiana).
  • Isostearic acid.


Shop Sunscreens

Types of sunscreen infographic - chemical versus physical sunscreen comparing the active ingredients.INGREDIENTS TO AVOID

Your health is precious so it’s just plain common sense to avoid questionable ingredients in products.

These are the chemical sunscreen ingredients we recommend you avoid:

4-Methylbenzylidene Camphor • European researchers cite concerns over thyroid toxicity, and hormone disruption, and recommend this chemical not be used in sunscreen.

Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane (Avobenzone) • May cause allergic reactions, disrupt the endocrine system, and has been shown to block testosterone in cellular studies.

Ethylhexyl Triazone • May cause skin rash or dermatitis for those with sensitive skin.

Homosalate • Acts as an endocrine disruptor and may also enhance the absorption of pesticides in the body.

Octinoxate (ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate) • Has been found to mimic oestrogen and block thyroid functions; can also cause allergic reactions.

Octisalate (Ethylhexyl Salicylate) • Affects the endocrine system, weakly binding to the oestrogen receptor; has also been linked to allergic contact dermatitis.

Octocrylene • Breaks down into benzophenone, which is a mutagen (causes mutations in our DNA), a carcinogen (cancer-causing), and an endocrine disruptor (interferes with gland function and reproduction). DNA changes caused by mutagens may harm cells and cause certain diseases, such as cancer.

Oxybenzone • Behaves like an endocrine disruptor and potentially of greater harm to children; may increase the risk of breast cancer and endometriosis.


Downs C, Kramarsky-Winter E, Segal R, et al. Toxicopathological effects of the sunscreen UV filter, oxybenzone (benzophenone-3), on coral planulae and cultured primary cells and its environmental contamination in Hawaii and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 2016;70(2):265-28

Downs C. A, DiNardo J.C, Stien D, Rodrigues A, and Lebaron P, Benzophenone Accumulates over Time from the Degradation of Octocrylene in Commercial Sunscreen Products, Chemical Research in Toxicology 2021 34 (4), 1046-1054, DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrestox.0c00461

Ghazipura M, McGowan R, Arslan A, Hossain T. Exposure to benzophenone-3 and reproductive toxicity: a systematic review of human and animal studies. Reprod Toxicol2017;73:175-183.

Huo W, Cai P, Chen M, et al. The relationship between prenatal exposure to BP-3 and Hirschsprung’s disease. Chemosphere 2016;144:1091-1097.

Joanna A. Ruszkiewicz, Adi Pinkas, Beatriz Ferrer, Tanara V. Peres, Aristides Tsatsakis, Michael Aschner, Neurotoxic effect of active ingredients in sunscreen products, a contemporary review, Toxicology Reports, Volume 4, 2017, Pages 245-259, ISSN 2214-7500, (

Kunisue T, Chen Z, Buck Louis G, et al. Urinary concentrations of benzophenone-type UV filters in women and their association with endometriosis. Environ Sci Tchnol 2012; 46(8):4624-4632.

Louis G, Chen Z, Kim S, et al. Urinary concentrations of benzophenone-type ultraviolet light filters and semen quality. Fertil Steril 2015;104(4):989-996.

Matta M, Zusterzeel R, Pilli NR, et al. Effect of sunscreen application under maximal use conditions on plasma concentration of sunscreen active ingredients: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA 2019; 321(21):2082-2091.

Schlumpf M, Kypke K, Vokt C, et al. Endocrine active UV filters: developmental toxicity and exposure through breast milk. CHIMIA 2008;62(5):345-351.

Your Health, Your Choice!

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Spring Cleaning On The Inside Wed, 31 Aug 2022 23:00:59 +0000 SPRING IS HERE

Are you ready to spring into Spring – or does this time of year mean a head full of allergies and feeling exhausted?


When dealing with any health challenge, the most important thing to know is that your body is designed to be healthy.

If Spring means sneezing, itchy eyes, rashes, clogged sinuses, and headaches, you need to transform your gut health and reduce inflammation.

It’s time for a good Spring Clean!


Spring Clean link between inflammation and allergies



There’s a strong link between allergies and inflammation.

For anyone who suffers from allergies, a good place to start your inner Spring clean is by drinking a glass of lemon water with aloe vera juice, first thing every morning before breakfast.

Lemon & Aloe Vera Juice is a simple recipe that helps calm inflammation, promotes better gut health, and supports your immune system.


Spring Clean linking gut health and allergies



Cleaning out your pantry and what you’re eating is the next best place to start transforming your health this Spring.

Allergies are an immune response, and there’s a direct link between your diet, gut health, intestinal bacteria, and seasonal allergies.

Probiotics and omega-3 fatty acids can significantly improve seasonal allergy symptoms. And what you eat makes all the difference too.


Nutrients are chemical compounds in food that are used by your cells to create energy so your body functions effectively and you maintain health. They include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes.

Poor nutrition occurs when your diet does not contain the right amount of nutrients.

Not eating the right foods is a major cause of illness, fatigue, and chronic non-communicable diseases – including allergies, depression, obesity, malnutrition, insulin resistance, heart disease, stroke, cancers, diabetes, high blood pressure, and cholesterol.

Healthy nutrition is essential for maintaining every function of your body.

If you want to live a healthy, allergy-free life, eat nutritious foods and restore any deficiencies.


If you need help with your nutrition or allergies, our team loves helping people heal.

Tracee Blythe – Naturopath, Nutrition

Tracee offers a nutritional RESET program to help you regain gut health, energy, and fitness. And she provides full naturopathic support.

Sarah Arbon – Nutrition, Nutritional Kinesiology

Sarah uses Nutritional Kinesiology to help you fine-tune the foods that suit your unique needs so that you can resolve allergies and nutritional imbalances.


Spring Clean Eat Gut Friendly Foods



Spring cleaning your gut means eating unprocessed, unrefined, gut-friendly food.

  • fermented foods – kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir, kombucha, miso, tempeh.
  • avocado, broccoli, leeks, sweet corn, cauliflower, artichokes, beetroot, paprika, leeks, celery, onions, garlic, mushrooms, asparagus, fennel, cauliflower, carrots, Asian greens, pumpkin, sweet potato, English spinach, radish, watercress, asparagus, red capsicum, cucumber, tomatoes (really ripe off the vine), zucchini, peas, traditionally cured black olives.
  • pineapple, papaya, apples, pears, berries, really ripe bananas, lime, lemon, citrus, dates,
  • almonds, Brazil nuts, walnuts, nut pastes and nut milks.
  • coconut milk, coconut yoghurt, coconut oil.
  • pure date syrup for sweetening, or pure maple syrup, or raw honey in small amounts. No refined sugar.
  • turmeric, thyme, sage, oregano, rosemary, parsley, ginger, coriander, cumin, fennel, cayenne, cardamom, lemon balm, dill, aloe vera, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, caraway, star anise.
  • Chamomile and peppermint tea, green tea tea, ginger tea, Pu-erh tea, dandelion root tea, licorice root tea, cacao, turmeric golden milk.
  • brown and wild rice, chia, linseed, oat bran, amaranth, buckwheat, millet, sorghum, quinoa, lentils. Always soak whole grains and legumes overnight (7 hours) and rinse before cooking to reduce phytic acid.
  • cold pressed olive oil, sesame oil, walnut oil, avocado oil.


For more inspiration, have a look at our Healthy Gut Reboot smoothie recipe.

And keep checking in on our website blogs and Facebook posts too because we constantly share health tips and recipes.

Be allergy-free this Spring!

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Why The Beach & Bare Feet Tue, 16 Aug 2022 00:54:47 +0000  


Our clients ask us why we have the beach and bare feet on our website. One person even asked, do we have a foot fetish? That question made us smile.

So we thought we’d better explain ourselves and satisfy everyone’s curiosity.

The short answer is we love the beach for many reasons. And the ocean and feet images are symbolic too.


Website beach theme of Health written in sand depicts Our Health Services



The ocean theme on our website symbolises natural health and healing and our love for our beach lifestyle.

Perth, Western Australia (where we live), is a coastal city. In summer, the temperatures hover around 40 degrees celsius.

Because of our climate, many West Australians have grown up swimming and playing in the sea, sand, and sun.

As adults (big kids), we still love going to the beach because it’s relaxing, and you feel amazing after a walk on the shore and swimming in the ocean.

And there’s a good reason why going to the beach rejuvenates our health.

Negative ions are unseen electrically charged molecules floating in the atmosphere that offer significant health benefits.

When we breathe in negative ions, they produce biochemical reactions in our body that increase levels of a ‘feel-good’ chemical called serotonin that regulates mood.

Serotonin helps alleviate stress and depression and boosts daytime energy. You feel happier and calmer and more focused and alive.

Negative ions are abundant in nature, especially where there is surf or waterfalls, fast running streams, or up in the mountains and forests.

That’s why we recommend spending time in nature every day.

Nature truly is the best medicine!


Another reason for loving the beach is because ocean water is full of minerals that can help heal skin conditions, fungal and bacterial infections and wounds • alleviate allergies • improve lung conditions • strengthen your immune system • and alleviate stress.

Floating in the ocean relaxes your body and takes the pressure off joints, which helps to ease bone, muscle, and arthritic pain.

And enjoying the seaside sunshine offers you a good dose of vitamin D for your bones and immune system.


Walking Barefooted on the sea shore for health



Our website images of people walking barefoot along the sea shore symbolise the importance of moving your body in ways you enjoy – and connecting with the earth.

We all know fitness is essential to our health, but it doesn’t mean you can’t have fun keeping your body toned.

Walking in the waves represents moving your body in rejuvenating ways that connect you with nature and negative ions.

Walking barefooted in beach sand (or on grass) grounds your energies, earthing your body. Studies have shown that the benefits of grounding include better sleep, less pain and inflammation, and reduced stress.

I have a lovely childhood memory of mum telling me to walk barefoot on the grass or hug a tree (when I was stressed or upset) to ground my energy and make me feel better. To this day, I still love hugging trees. And I swear it works.


Website theme beach, fitness and health



The ocean’s healing powers continually inspire and rejuvenate us.

We love swimming, floating in the waves, walking and running along the beach, and enjoying our childhood nostalgia for fun in the sun.

When we’re on the beach, we’re just big kids.

We also love the colour turquoise.

Turquoise is calm and friendly, radiating the tranquillity of blue, the growth of green, and the vitality of yellow.

Everything we love about the ocean and turquoise represents everything we want for you too.

All the best,

Lisa Rieniets ND

Vitamin Sea is wonderful for health and healing!

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